Disaster Information

The role of Council during a disaster

Forbes Shire Council is not a lead Combat Agency, In a disaster or emergency event, as a member of the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) we work to:

Advise of any interruptions to the services we provide, including the status of roads and bridges, water and waste services and more. 

Restore any services which impact on the welfare and safety of our community in a timely manner.

Support emergency lead agencies and/or combat agencies to assist our community.

Combat Agencies

Council updates will be provided on this page. For live updates from emergency response agencies during a disaster, please access this through the respective agency's channel.

Type of Emergency 
Combat Agency 
NSW State Emergency Service
NSW Rural Fire Service
 Severe Storm
NSW State Emergency Service 
NSW State Emergency Service 
NSW Health  
Animal, Plant Disease, Rodent or Insect Plague  
 Department of Primary Industries