Community Participation
Forbes Shire Council recognises that community participation throughout the planning system delivers better planning results for residents, businesses and visitors of Forbes.
Ultimately, our responsibility is to deliver the objectives of various Acts, including the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act). These objectives include the promotion of orderly and economic use of land, facilitating ecologically sustainable development and promoting social and economic wellbeing.
Community Participation is an overarching term covering how we engage the community in our work under the EP&A Act, re-zonings and making decisions on proposed developments. The level and extent of community participation will vary depending on the scope of the proposal under consideration and the potential impacts of the decision.
Why is community participation important?
- Community participation builds community confidence in the planning system
- Community participation creates a shared sense of purpose, direction and understanding of the need to support growth and change, while preserving local character.
- It provides access to community knowledge, ideas and expertise.
Making a submission
A submission must be received in writing, either by email, post or in person. It is important that submissions only contain information relevant to the development or planning proposal. Council officers are required to assess proposals on planning grounds identified in relevant legislation. Issues such as a moral objection, commercial competition or personal circumstance of an applicant or objector cannot be given weight in Council’s assessment. Matters that assessment officers can take into account may include:
- Compliance with Local Environmental Plan or Development Control Plan
- Neighbourhood amenity including noise, odour, privacy and overshadowing
- Scale and design
- Parking, traffic and pedestrian access
- Drainage and engineering matters
- Cultural, economic or social impacts
- Any other matter as identified in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, State Environmental Planning Policies or any other relevant legislation or planning policy.
At a minimum, your submission must:
- Clearly identify the matter to which the submission relates
- State the planning grounds for any support or objection expressed in the submission
- Include appropriate contact details
You can view Council's Community Participation Plan here.
You can view Applications and Proposals on Public Exhibition here.
You can make a submission to a Development Application, Planning Proposal or other Planning Matter via email or mail at PO Box 333 Forbes NSW 2871.