Heritage Buildings

Our proud pioneering heritage has been
preserved largely by the restoration of 19th Century buildings dotting
our streetscape. Our handsome, elegant buildings help shape our town and
share stories of our past.
Forbes has a vast array of Heritage listed buildings which brings character to the town. A heritage listing does not mean that a building cannot be changed, the buildings can be altered, extended or modernised, as long as these changes are appropriate and take the buildings heritage significance into account.
Forbes Heritage Trail - a self-guided walking tour viewing the magnificent architecture across the town, and discovering the people responsible for many of the historic buildings we still see here today. The Trail brochure can be found at the Visitor Information Centre.
Forbes Town Hall
Opened in 1891, Dame Nellie Melba performed in the Hall in 1909. The Town Hall in its present form was officially re-opened in 1991. Bo Diddley and Billy Thorpe have been among its performing artists alumni. The Town Hall also made a guest appearance in the movie, ‘The Dish’.
The Post Office
Designed by distinguished colonial architect James Barnett, the building was completed in 1881. Keep an eye out for the faithful kelpie ‘Rosa’ waiting patiently for her owner to return.
St John's Anglican Church
Construction of the nave was completed in 1877, the chancel, vestries and belltower in 1909. Its beautiful memorial stained glass windows look back to early district families.
Vandenberg Hotel
Fronting Victoria Park and the Court House, the original part of this hotel was built in the 1860’s. The Premier Sir Henry Parkes addressed 2000 people from its expansive balcony in 1887.
Lands Office
Completed in 1898, this building is a sophisticated example of late 19th Century timber architecture.
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Local master stonemasons assisted in building this unspoilt, rusticated stone church that was completed in 1877.
Victoria Park
Faced by the Town Hall, Court House, Anglican and Presbyterian churches, this picturesque meeting place is one of Forbes’ showpieces. H.R.H Prince Charles planted an elm tree in the park during his visit to Forbes in 1994.
Forbes Court House
Designed by James Barnett and built on the site of the previous courthouse in 1879-80, Forbes Court House originally served a vast western district which included Parkes and Condobolin.
Forbes Library
The current Forbes Library also fronting Victoria Park began life as The School of Arts then became a Literary Institute, with construction starting in 1898 and completed in 1929. The original building was an important meeting place for the movers and the shakers of the town. At the back of the current building is the base of the Forbes Family History Group.
St Laurence O'Toole Catholic Church and Presbytery
The cut stone chapel with Gothic windows, porch and tower opened in 1880, and the sanctuary and sacristy in 1902. The Presbytery was blessed and opened in 1913.
Lachlan Arcade
The three storey Lachlan Arcade was opened in 1892 by Jewish merchant Daniel Berger. A brick and stone arcade with mezzanine level with some original features remaining, a large glass fanlight is featured on the first floor front wall. In its early years to 1904, the shop was a veritable heaven for Forbes shoppers, stocking everything from dress materials, men’s suits in silk or serge, boots, cards, groceries, wine and beer to novelties of all kinds. Since this time it has been a garage, paintshop, second hand shop, café and restaurant.
Anglesey House
Built in 1884, this beautifully restored, decorative two storey Victorian town house in Templar Street reflects the success of its first owner, local merchant William Thomas.