Overgrown Vegetation Property owners are responsible for ensuring that their property is maintained and does not provide a place for vermin to live and breed. This means keeping properties free of long grass and vegetation, as well as waste. Properties must be maintained so that they do not become so untidy such they create a threat to public health and safety. Regulatory action by Council involves the issuing of formal notices and orders directing the property owner to manage and maintain the vegetation on-site under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993. What constitutes an overgrown property? An overgrown property may be vacant, residential or commercial land which, in the opinion of an authorised Council Officer, may be: * Likely to be a breeding place or harbourage for vermin because of grass, weeds, plants or other vegetable growth in large quantities. * A fire hazard. What do I do if I have a concern? If you have a concern please contact Forbes Shire Council on (02) 6850 2300 or forbes@forbes.nsw.gov.au to lodge a customer service request. What action does Council take? A Council officer will conduct an inspection to determine if the property is overgrown. If the officer deems the property to be overgrown a notice may be served on the owner or occupier. This notice will require the owner or occupier to carry out works to clear and remove the vegetation to Council's satisfaction. If the Notice is not complied with an Order will be made. What happens in the event of non-compliance? If the owner or occupier does not clear the land within the time frame specified on the notice and/or order, Council may issue a Penalty Infringement Notice and undertake the remediation works at cost to the property owner or occupier. What happens if I receive a Notice? If you receive a notice, you will be required to carry out all work within the time specified in the notice. You can contact the officer who inspected your property and advise them on your proposed course of action. What are the timeframes? The time taken to have requests for vegetation to be maintained will depend upon several variables but most significantly, weather conditions and the property owner’s willingness to respond to and manage the overgrown vegetation. Council must also abide by legislative timeframes and procedural fairness and therefore the property may remain overgrown for periods of 8-10 weeks following Council’s initial notification.