
Policies are resolutions of Council to guide the management of an issue. Many Council policies are enforceable as law under the Local Government Act 1993 or other legislation. Others simply state the overarching intent of Council on an issue and establish a direction to the General Manager.

The policies are listed below, click on the link to download the complete policy.

If you have any further enquiries about any of the policies listed or need assistance, please contact Council.

Policy About  Download

Access to Information Policy

This policy applies to all members of the public seeking to access Council information, Councillors and Council employees, as well as Council officers who are responsible for managing requests for access to information.   PDF (PDF 164.4KB)

Accounting Policy

This policy provides a framework for the financial management of the Shire of Forbes which is clear, transparent and meeting statutory obligations.   pdf (PDF 397.5KB)
Assets Disposal Policy and Procedure This policy provides clear guiding principles for the disposal of Council-owned assets including, but not limited to: plant, equipment, materials and stock items; office equipment and furniture; information technology, software and hardware. A probity plan is inherent in this policy for ensuring overall fairness and integrity in the disposal of Council’s assets.   pdf (PDF 260KB)
Asset Management Policy This policy provides guidelines for implementing consistent asset management processes through Council, including the provision for long-term replacement of major assets. pdf (PDF 139.2KB)
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Expenses and Facilities Policy Section 428A of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) states the requirement for Council to establish and maintain a Section 355 Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.  The role of the committee is to provide independent advice to Council on a variety of Council's operations and "must keep under review" aspects of Council's operations. pdf (PDF 140.5KB)
Barking Dog Policy This policy provides a structured, consistent and transparent approach to barking dog complaints and offensive animal noise complaints received by Council.  pdf (PDF 154.5KB)
Busking in the Central Business District This policy has been developed to allow street performers and artists (buskers) to provide a creative enterprise in the central business district (CBD) of the Forbes whilst balancing the community’s right to peaceful enjoyment of public areas.  pdf (PDF 208.5KB)

CCTV Policy

This policy provides a framework which guides the implementation, management and operation of Counci's CCTV Network in the pursuit of public safety and property protection.

 pdf (PDF 587.3KB) (PDF 152.6KB)

CCTV Code of Practice CCTV Code is developed in accordance with the NSW Government Guidelines for the establishment and implementation of closed circuit television in public places and its associated legislation.  pdf (PDF 319.9KB) (PDF 318.5KB)

Central West Livestock Exchange - Animal Welfare Policy

Council is the owner of the Forbes Central West Livestock Exchange and has a responsibility as the provider of this facility to ensure high standards of animal welfare are implemented and upheld for all livestock management and handling that occurs on site.   pdf (PDF 237.7KB)

Chain of Responsibility Policy

This policy applies to any premises, or any other place, of work, where a Council Official, including contractor or subcontractor, is representing or conducting activities relating to the business of Council that fall within the scope of the HVNL. This may include, but is not limited to, roles within logistics, supply chain and support capacities, including full time, part time and casual employees as well as contractors or subcontractors (working for or on the behalf of Council). Where applicable, this policy extends to suppliers and visitors.    pdf (PDF 427.1KB)
Child Safe Policy Council staff, volunteers, contractors and students will safely work with and engage with children and promote their participation within the Council’s organisation.  pdf (PDF 323.4KB)
Code of Conduct Model This Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW (“the Model Code of Conduct”) is made under s. 440 of the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”) and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (“the Regulation”). The Model Code of Conduct sets the minimum standards of conduct for Council officials.  pdf (PDF 570.9KB)

Code of Conduct: Procedures for the Administration of the Code

The Model Code of Conduct is made under s. 440 of the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”) and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (“the Regulation”). Section 440 of the Act requires every Council (including county councils) and joint organisation to adopt a code of conduct that incorporates the provisions of the Model Code of Conduct  pdf (PDF 666KB)

Code of Meeting Practice

This code applies to all meetings of councils and committees of councils of which all the members are Councillors (committees of council). Council committees whose members include persons other than Councillors may adopt their own rules for meetings unless Council determines otherwise. pdf (PDF 593.3KB)
Communications & Consultation Policy This policy provides an overview of the consultation process and a framework for effective community consultation. pdf (PDF 208.5KB)
Community Funding Program Policy This framework assists Council in the equitable distribution of its annual donations allocation and maximises the benefits gained by the Forbes Community through the donations process  pdf (PDF 172KB)
Community Infrastructure Projects Policy The purpose of this Policy is to assist organisations and/or community groups to build/renew their facilities located on Council owned or controlled land and who are not registered to pay the Goods and Services tax (GST). Effectively this assists sporting and community groups in funding asset renewals or new assets by allowing the GST to be claimed resulting in greater funding being available for the project.  pdf (PDF 132.4KB)
Companion Animals Plan The purpose of the Plan is to outline the framework for Council's application and enforcement of the Companion Animals Act 1998 and the Companion Animals Regulation 2018.  Council is responsible for enforcement of the Act in its entirety and will utilise its powers as appropriate in accordance with this Plan and the Act.  pdf (PDF 316.5KB)
Complaint Management Policy The purpose of this Policy is to ensure Council handles complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively. pdf (PDF 190.6KB)
Compliance and Enforcement Policy The purpose of this Policy is to provide structure for consistency and transparency in decision making and to facilitate a proportional approach to compliance and enforcement.  It is also intended to assist Council staff to act promptly, effectively and consistently in response to allegations of unlawful activity. pdf (PDF 216.2KB)

Contaminated Land Policy

The Contaminated Land Policy is made under the Managing Land Contamination Planning Guidelines 1998 as notified in accordance with Schedule 6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EPAA Act) Council is taken to have acted in good faith where it acts substantially in accordance with these Guidelines. pdf (PDF 342.5KB)
Corporate Credit Card Usage Policy The purpose of this policy is provide a clear framework to enable the appropriate use of corporate credit cards issued by Council. This policy aims to incorporate necessary controls to support the mitigation of risks associated with corporate card usages whilst acknowledging that they are an alternative procurement method which can be a more efficient and effective payment management system pdf (PDF 143.7KB)

Councillors Access to Information and Interaction with Staff Policy

Councillors must have access to information and staff in order to ensure the smooth functioning of Council. This policy establishes the protocols to be followed so that access to information and staff is facilitated through appropriate internal channels or legally available channels pdf (PDF 232.2KB)

Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy

Section 252 of the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) requires Council to adopt a policy concerning the payment of expenses incurred by, and the provision of facilities to, the Mayor and Councillors in relation to discharging the functions of civic office pdf (PDF 261KB)
Councillor Induction and Professional Development Policy The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate Council's commitment to ensuring the Mayor and Councillors have access to induction and ongoing professional development which will assist them to develop and maintain the skills and knowledge required to effectively perform their civic role and responsibilities under the Local Government Act 1993.  pd (PDF 114.6KB)
Customer Service Charter Council is committed to acting openly, honestly and fairly in its dealings with all customers and strives to provide timely, efficient and consistent service to our customers.  PDF (PDF 365.8KB)
Data Breach Policy The purpose of the policy is to govern Council's compliance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (PPIP Act).  PDF (PDF 193.1KB)

Debt Collection Policy

Outline the principles and guidelines that apply to the recovery and management of overdue rates, service charges, sundry debtors and other debts.  pdf (PDF 142KB)
Development Assessment Conflict of Interest Policy This policy aims to manage potential conflicts of interest and increase transparency at all stages of the development process for council-related development or development where there is other potential points of conflict of interest. pdf (PDF 168.5KB)

Doctors and Registered Nurses Attraction and Retention Incentives Policy

Forbes Shire Council recognises the importance of attracting and retaining medical professionals as part of ensuring the sustainability of medical services in Forbes. Accordingly, this policy seeks to identify strategies to more effectively address the prevailing skills shortage of both medical and health professionals as well as enhance the lifestyle benefits of relocating to Forbes. pdf (PDF 187.1KB)

Economic Development Incentive for Residential Development Policy

Council recognises the importance of new residential development within the Shire of Forbes. This policy seeks to encourage and promote development of marketable residential land within Forbes. pdf (PDF 111.6KB)

Enterprise Risk Management Policy

This policy contains practical guidance detailing Forbes Shire Council’s capacity to appropriately manage risk across the organisation as outlined in Council’s Risk Management Framework.  pd (PDF 105KB)
Flying of Flags Policy This policy provides guidance and a regulatory framework for the flying of flags on Council buildings and community flagpole sites throughout the shire.  pdf (PDF 266.6KB)
Fossicking at Cottons Hill Quarry Policy The purpose of this policy is to regulate the process for issuing permits to members of the public to access a section of Cottons Hill Quarry for the act of fossicking.  A copy of the Permit Application is also attached.

pdf (PDF 90.9KB)

pdf (PDF 129.8KB)

Fraud Control Policy This policy covers guidelines and responsibilities regarding appropriate actions that must be followed to increase the awareness of, and, for the investigation of fraud.  Management of the risk of exposure is an important area to monitor and the Council needs to be assured that appropriate and transparent procedures are in place.  This document forms part of the Council’s Code of Conduct which Councillors and employees are required to abide by. pdf (PDF 178.4KB)
Forbes Olympic Public Swimming Pool Policy  The purpose of this Policy is to establish a framework for the management and supervision of the Forbes Olympic Swimming Pool (the facility) to ensure the safety of all patrons and provide clear guidelines to the Contractor.  pdf (PDF 244.7KB) (PDF 138.6KB)

Gifts and Benefits Policy

For the purposes of this policy, a reference to a gift or benefit does not include a political donation or contribution to an election fund that is subject to the provisions of the relevant election funding legislation.  pdf (PDF 467.7KB)
Grants Auspiced by Council Policy The objective of this policy is to ensure accountability, transparency and efficiency in grants auspiced by Council. pdf (PDF 286.5KB)
Image Consent Policy 

The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the collection and use of photographic images and audio recordings of both adults and children for Forbes Shire Council’s project, promotional and publicity purposes in accordance with relevant legislation.

pdf (PDF 178.9KB) 

Investment Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for investing surplus Council funds at the most favourable rate of interest whilst having due consideration to the risk and security profile of the investment type and liquidity requirements of the organisation.   pdf (PDF 360KB)
Items Overhanding Public Lands Policy

The purpose of this policy is to raise awareness of the need for owners to regularly monitor the safety of their awnings and other items that overhang public lands. This policy supports Council's awareness program framework for owners of items that overhang public lands in the Forbes local government area.  This policy aims to promote an increased level of protection of public health and safety by reducing the risk of harm, injury or death which may result from the failure of an awning or other item overhanging Council's footpaths.

 pdf (PDF 137.8KB)
Lake Forbes Activation Managing Impact on Views Policy The purpose of this policy is to support the activation of Lake Forbes by encouraging development that benefits the broader community. pdf (PDF 164.6KB)
Local Approvals Policy: Activities on Footpaths This policy aims to provide a practical approach to approvals for the use of and activities on footpaths in the Forbes Local Government Area.  pdf (PDF 353.9KB)
Local Approvals Policy: Installation of Temporary Housing following a Natural Disaster

This Policy seeks to:

a).  provide guidance to residents and authorities for when the approval of Council is not required;

b).  specify the criteria which are applicable to the installation of Moveable Dwellings (pods);

c).  specify and other matters relating to the approvals process under the Act or Regulation.

 pdf (PDF 142.6KB)
Local Approvals Policy for Mobile Food Vans and Transportable Food Outlets Council supports the operation of mobile food vans to activate public spaces within the Forbes Shire. Supporting the operation of mobile and transportable food and retail outlets encourages diversity in takeaway food options and the activation of our urban centres and rural communities.  pdf (PDF 138.4KB)
 Local Orders Policy In accordance with s159 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW)(ACT), the purpose of this policy is to specify the criteria which Council must take into consideration in determining whether or not to give an order under s124 of the Act.
 pdf (PDF 262.8KB)
Low Pressure Sewer Connection Policy

This policy outlines the roles and responsibilities associated with a low pressure sewer connection.

Also attached:  HO manual and Installation and Commissioning Sheets.

pdf (PDF 98KB)

PDF (PDF 157.2KB)

Managing Asbestos Policy

Forbes Shire Council acknowledges the serious health hazard of exposure to asbestos. In Australia, asbestos was gradually phased out of building materials in the 1980s and the supply and installation of asbestos containing goods has been prohibited since 31 December 2003.  pdf (PDF 2.8MB)
Managing Unreasonable Conduct by Complainants Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the management of unreasonable conduct by a complainant. pdf (PDF 206.4KB)

Media Policy

Council is committed to ensuring the community is well informed and actively involved in dialogue about Council activities. The key objective of this policy is to establish a clear and consistent framework for managing the dissemination of accurate and reliable information in relation to Council business through both traditional and social media pdf (PDF 364.7KB)
Multi-purpose Equestrian Centre Facility Use Policy Council has invested significant resources into the establishment, management, operations and activation of the Multi-purpose Equestrian Facility (MEC), therefore, Council is committed to ensuring the facility is utilised to its full capacity and potential. Council encourages use of this facility by a broad range of groups and organisations. Council is committed to providing a welcoming, safe and accessible multipurpose, equestrian-based, facility that meets the needs of community members and hirers and provides opportunities for participation in a diverse range of activities and events.  pdf (PDF 168.8KB)

Naming of Streets and Parks Policy

This policy provides a process to allow roads, parks and other infrastructure to be named after residents of Forbes.  pdf (PDF 180.7KB)
Ootha Water Tank Program Policy
This policy provides assistance to the Ootha village where residential properties have insufficient water supply due to the Ootha Water Scheme being a non-potable supply.
pdf  (PDF 63.1KB)
Potable Water Standpipe Use and Access Policy The purpose of this policy is to set out the costs and expectations required of individuals and companies for the supply of bulk water through Council's Standpipes.  pdf (PDF 93.3KB)
Privacy Management Plan The purpose of this policy is to govern Council's compliance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (PPIP Act).  pdf (PDF 755.7KB)
Privacy Policy The purpose of this policy is to govern Council's compliance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (PPIP Act).  pdf (PDF 138.4KB)
Private Works Policy Private work includes any work, undertaken upon agreement with a landowner, on private lands and / or public lands which lie outside the responsibility of Council, for which a quotation has been provided and written consent obtained.   pdf (PDF 177.5KB)

Procurement Policy

Council is committed to ensuring a fair, transparent and accountable process in the procurement of goods and services.  pdf (PDF 425.9KB)

Property Lease and Licence Policy

Council has property (real estate) and land in the Forbes Local Government Area (LGA) available for short and long term use under an agreement.  pdf (PDF 167.9KB)
Public Art Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide a strategic framework for Council’s Public Arts Program including guidelines for the acquisition, commission, management, maintenance, deaccessioning and implementation of public art pdf (PDF 422.8KB)

Public Interest Disclosures Policy

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act) applies to all NSW public sector agencies.

The PID Act provides a framework for public officials to report serious wrongdoing in the public sector, and to be protected when they do so. This Policy and the PID Act govern Council's responsibilities as a public sector agency.

pdf (PDF 337.7KB)

Real Estate Disposal Policy and Procedure

Council is committed to ensuring an open, fair, transparent and accountable process in the disposal of Council’s real estate assets, whilst obtaining best value for money and avoiding any conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived.  pdf (PDF 197.3KB)
 Real Estate Disposal Policy and Procedure The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guiding principles for the disposal of Council real estate (land and buildings).  A probity plan is inherent in this policy for ensuring overall fairness and integrity in the disposal of Council's assets.  pdf (PDF 166.7KB)
Records Management Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure that full and accurate records of all activities and decisions of Council are created, managed, retained and disposed of appropriately, in accordance with relevant legislation.  pdf (PDF 386.6KB)

Related Party Disclosures Policy

This policy applies to the officials and officers of Council defined as Key Management Personnel in this policy.  pdf  (PDF 363.6KB)
Section 7.12 Contributions Plan Section 7.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 allows a levy, based on the percentage of the cost of development to be imposed as a condition of development consent. Levies paid to Council in accordance with s. 7.12 will be applied to the provision, extension or augmentation of public facilities, or towards recouping the cost of doing so.  This plan applies to all development applications lodged before the commencement of this plan, but not yet determined and to development applications lodged after the commencement of this plan.  pdf (PDF 1.1MB)

Sewer Service Pricing Policy

To comply with various directives relating to best practice pricing principles for sewerage businesses, a model pricing policy for sewerage services has been developed.   pdf (PDF 421.7KB)
Sponsorship Policy The purpose of this policy is to create an ethical, efficient and transparent method for Council to receive and allocate Corporate Sponsorship from and to businesses, organisations and groups. PDF (PDF 160.5KB)
Statement of Business Ethics Policy The Statement provides guidance for private sector contractors, suppliers, consultants, tenderers or business partners conducting business with the Forbes Shire Council.  PDF (PDF 234.2KB)

Transport Asset Management Policy

The key objective of this policy is to provide Forbes Shire Council to set guidelines for implementing consistent asset management processes for Road Network throughout Forbes and also different components of its Transport systems.  pdf (PDF 150KB)
Volunteer Policy The purpose of this policy is to describe how Forbes Shire Council will manage the work health and safety risks associated with using volunteers at Council.  pdf (PDF 139.9KB)
Urban Street Tree, Street Verge and Natural Strip Policy The  purpose of this Policy is to define the parameters fro the preservation of existing trees, for new plantings and maintenance requirements of street trees and nature strips in the urban areas of Forbes Local Government Area.
 pdf (PDF 374KB)

Water Charges for Home Dialysis Systems

When Council receives advice from a recognised Practitioner, Medical Service, that a ratepayer or resident responsible for the payment of water, is on a home dialysis system, the ratepayer or resident will be entitled to a minimum 200kL per annum of water for which no user based charge will apply  pdf (PDF 57.3KB)

Water Main Extension and Connection Policy

This policy provides consistent direction to customers and staff in relation to requests for connections and water main extensions where properties do not have direct access to a water main.  pdf (PDF 166.4KB)

Water Service Administration Policy

This policy provides a transparent, objective and consistent process for the levy and recovery of water service charges.  pdf (PDF 484.7KB)