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Documents openly available are listed below. If the document you need isn't online, contact us - you may be able to view it in person at Council’s Administration Office at 2 Court Street, Forbes.

Information about Council



Council maintains a number of registers, as required by the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

Disclosure Log of Access Applications

As required by s. 18(d) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009:

Date of Decision Description of Information Provided Is this information available to other members of the public

How can this information be accessed

  1. DA 1999/174 - Conditions of Consent
  2. DA 2007/161 - Conditions of Consent
  3. DA 2009/8 - Conditions of Consent
  4. DA 2009/32 - Conditions of Consent
  5. DA 2017/36 - Conditions of Consent
Formal Access Application will be considered Contact Council's Right to Information Officer
04/05/2023  BA 1996-136 - Conditions of Consent Formal Access Application will be considered Contact Council's Right to Information Officer
  1. DA 2021-0092 Submission-6
  2. DA 2021-0092 Submission-5
  3. Complaint – 3
  4. Complaint – 4
  5. DA 2021-0092 Submission-3
  6. DA 2021-0092 Submission-3 Response
  7. Complaint – 7
  8. Complaint – 8
  9. Complaint – 9
  10. CRM – 1
  11. CRM – 2
  12. DA 2019-0094 Stamped – SOEE-R1-0
  13. DA 2019-0094 Stamped – Topsoil Organics – Geotechnical Report – 19013GK18
  14. DA 2019-0094 Submission – Redacted
  15. DA 2019-0094 Submission Acknowledgement – Redacted
  16. DA 2019-0094 Submission Response – Redacted
  17. DA 2019-94 Business Paper Attachment – Layout and Servicing Plan
  18. DA 2019-94 Business Paper Attachment – Proposed Site Plan and Building Plans
  19. DA 2019-94 Business Paper Attachment – Assessment Report
  20. 2020 Total Site Layout DR169
  21. 2020 Contaminated Leach Pond DR 168
  22. 2020 Non contaminated dam DR 167
  23. 2020 CarPark DR 165
  24. 2020 Profile of Pads DR 166
  25. DA 2019-0094 -2 Stamped – Amended -SOEE-R-0
  26. DA 2019-0094-2 – Submission
  27. DA 2019-0094-2 Submission – Acknowledgement Letter
  28. DA 2019-0094-2 Business Paper attachment – EPA Terms of Approval
  29. DA 2019-0094-2 Business Paper attachment – Existing Conditions of Consent
  30. DA 2019-0094-2 Business Paper Attachment – Geotechnical Report
  31. DA 2019-0094-2 Business Paper Attachment – Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs)
  32. DA 2019-0094-2 Stamped Amended – SOEE
  33. DA 2019-0094-2 Resolution
  34. DA 2019-94-2 Composting Facility Assessment Report
  35. Topsoil Organics response to Council re Traffic Movements
  36. DOC21 777108-5 IDA Request Additional Information – Topsoil Organics_A-32377
  37. EPA GTAs Topsoil Organics 15.3.22
  38. 13997 AQA R1 ODOUR
  39. Topsoil Organics Environmental Management Plan
  40. Correspondence between Council and Topsoil Organics
  41. Correspondence between Council and Topsoil Organics
  42. TfNSW Submission DA 2021-92 192 Back Yamma Road Daroobalgie
  43. Correspondence between Council and EPA
  44. Correspondence between Council and Premise
  45. Correspondence between Council and Premise
  46. Diary Notes
  47. Correspondence between Council and EPA
  48. Correspondence between Council and EPA
  49. Odour Survey Sheet 16112021
  50. Odour Survey Sheet 03122021
  51. Odour Survey Sheet 17032022
  52. Odour Survey Sheet 18032022
  53. Complaint
  54. Complaint
  55. Complaint
  56. Text messages
  57. Correspondence between Council and Topsoil Organics
  58. Correspondence between Council Officers
  59. Correspondence between Council Officers
  60. Correspondence between Council Officers
  61. DA 2021-0092 Lodgement – 20220222 DA Amendment Letter to FSC – 1.3.2022
  62. DA 2021-0092 Lodgement – 220320-EIS-001A-13.8.2021-PAN-134542-2.9.2021
  63. DA 2021-0092 Lodgement – Austrmar Low Speed Vertical Shaft Aerator Document – 1.3.2022
  64. DA 2021-0092 Submission-1
  65. DA 2021-0092 Submission-2
  66. DA 2021-0092 Submission-4
Formal Access Application will be considered Contact Council's Right to Information Officer
04/11/2020 Property File of 47-49 Bathurst Street, Forbes Formal Access Application will be considered Contact Council's Right to Information Officer
13/08/2019 Final Report - Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment Formal Access Application will be considered
Contact Council's Right to Information Officer
  1. Building certificate application and approval (swimming pool compliance) – 21/10/1997
  2. Building certificate application and approval – 28/06/1995
  3. Survey report – 24/01/1974
  4. Building application, plans and approval (in ground swimming pool) – 12/09/1983
  5. Building application, plans and approval (patio) – 04/05/1976
  6. Building application, plans and approval (dwelling) – 17/07/1973
  7. Drainage plan application – 04/02/1974 Swimming pool registration certificate – 08/05/2013
Formal Access Application will be considered Contact Council's Right to Information Officer
  1. Development Application 1994/0004
  2. Development Application 1994/0004 Approval and Conditions of Consent
Formal Access Application will be considered Contact Council's Right to Information Officer
 17/10/2018  Development Application – 2002/0137  Formal Access Application will be considered  Contact Council's Right to Information Officer

Record of Open Access Information Not Made Publicly Available

As required by s. 6(5) of the Government Information Public Access Act 2009:

Description of Information Not Made Publicly Available Reason for Not Making the Information Public
Documents submitted with Development Applications that are impacted by Copyright  to maintain compliance with the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)
Personal Identifying Information contained within records  to protect an individual's personal identifying information (Table to S.14 GIPA Act - 3(a))
Residential Address of Councillors and Designated Persons contained within Return of Interests to protect the safety and security of Councillors and Designated Persons at their place of residence (Table to s.14 GIPA Act - 3(f))

Land Register

As required by s. 1(3)(a) of Schedule 1 of the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018:

(PDF 464.8KB)

Register of Investments

As required by s. 1(3)(b) of Schedule 1 of the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018:

Council's investments are presented monthly to each Council meeting within the Finance Report.

Register of Delegations

As required by s. 1(3)(c) of Schedule 1 of the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018

Delegations Register v.34 (PDF 549.7KB)

Register of Current Declarations of Disclosures of Political Donations

As required to be maintained under s. 328A of the Local Government Act 1993 and required to be made open access information in accordance with s. 1(3)(e) of Schedule 1 of the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018:

Please visit the NSW Electoral Commission website for this information at: Funding and disclosure - NSW Electoral Commission

Register of Voting on Planning Matters

As required to be maintained under s. 375A of the Local Government Act 1993 and required to be made open access information in accordance with s. 1(3)(d) of Schedule 1 of the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018

DA Register (PDF 139.4KB) (PDF 140.8KB) (PDF 142.4KB) (PDF 146.4KB)

Information about Development Applications

In accordance with s.3(1)(a) of Schedule 1 to the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018, information contained within development applications made after 1 July 2010 are considered Open Access information:

The following registers contain details about development applications:

To apply for access to these types of information, please lodge an Informal Access application (DOCX 55KB), contact Council's Right to Information Officer on 6850 2300 (Option 4), or attend Council's Administration Office at 2 Court Street, Forbes during the hours of 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday.

In accordance with s.3(1)(c) of Schedule 1 to the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018, Council considers the following information relating to development applications to be excluded from Open Access Information:

  • the plans and specifications for any residential parts of a proposed building, other than plans that merely show its height and its external configuration in relation to the site on which it is proposed to be erected; or
  • commercial information, if the information would be likely to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it or to reveal a trade secret, 
  • development applications made before 1 July 2010 and any associated documents received in relation to the application.

To apply for access to these types of excluded information, please lodge a Formal Access Application (DOCX 56.5KB) for consideration by Council.

To track an application, please visit the NSW Planning Portal Application Tracker

Approvals, Orders and Other Documents

In accordance with s.4 of Schedule 1 to the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018, information inthe following records is prescribed as open access information:

  • applications for approvals under Part 1 of Chapter 7 of the LGA and any associated documents received in relation to such an application
  • applications for approvals under any other Act and any associated documents received in relation to such an application,
  • records of approvals granted or refused, any variation from local policies with reasons for the variation, and decisions made on appeals concerning approvals,
  • orders given under Part 2 of Chapter 7 of the LGA, and any reasons given under section 136 of the LGA,
  • orders given under the authority of any other Act,
  • records of building certificates under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979,
  • plans of land proposed to be compulsorily acquired by the local authority,
  • compulsory acquisition notices,
  • leases and licences for use of public land classified as community land,
  • performance improvement orders issued to a council under Part 6 of Chapter 13 of the LGA.

To apply for access to these types of information, please lodge an Informal Access application (DOCX 55KB), contact Council's Right to Information Officer on 6850 2300 (Option 4), or attend Council's Administration Office at 2 Court Street, Forbes during the hours of 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday.

Register of Government Contracts

A Register of Government Contracts worth $150,000 or more can be found here (PDF 282.9KB)