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Forbes Housing Strategy

The Forbes Housing Strategy 2021-2041 plans for the 30% growth expected in Forbes over the next 20 years. It proposes future land releases, structure plans and development controls to cater for our diverse community via a range of measures into the future.

 Forbes Housing Strategy 2021-2041
Recreation and Open Space Strategy 2021 - 2031  This Strategy has reviewed all parks as well as the supply of open space across the Forbes Shire area for the next 20 years. However, it is intended that the Strategy is reviewed after 10 years to re-assess community needs and ensure the open space network is functioning to meet those needs.  ROSS cover

Agricultural Strategy

The first in NSW and of its kind for Local Government.  This strategy is a foundational document that will guide regional decision-making in Agriculture into the future. The Agricultural Strategy 2018-2030 is multi-faceted, with consideration of land-use planning, land capability and water availability, supply chain and transport infrastructure, value-adding opportunities, skills and innovation, marketing and branding, and the CWLE. This was a jointly funded and supported program with the Federal Government. The strategy was launched by Deputy Prime Minster, Michael McCormack MP in February 2019.   Forbes Agricultural Strategy
Growth Management Strategy Forbes Shire Council adopted its Growth Management Strategy in December 2007 after it was exhibited for 2 months. The Council did not make any determination on the rural minimum lot size for dwelling houses as well as the most appropriate rural land use zonings because of the Central West Rural Lands Inquiry and proposed Rural SEPP. The Rural SEPP has now been gazetted and the Council has proceeded with the finalisation of the rural provisions. This report recommends a minimum lot size of 200ha.  Growth Management Strategy
Digital Strategy For Council, and Local Government more broadly, to be adaptable, agile and ready to transform, a robust and strategic approach must be taken in all areas of digital strategy into the future. The Digital Strategy 2018-2028 outlines the five key objectives Council will deliver on over the first five years of the strategy, in preparedness for the significant industry (and global) changes that will inevitably impact on Council operations.  Digital Strategy