Drought Support

Primary Producers and Landholders in the Forbes region have access to the follow support channels after a disaster. It's important to be aware of the available resources and grants for landholders in times of disaster. 

Please visit the Service NSW and Rural Assistance Authority for current financial support:

Disaster Assistance Finder (nsw.gov.au)

Disaster Assistance | NSW Rural Assistance Authority (RAA)

Forbes Shire Council actively supports residents and businesses during this difficult time of drought. The following list comprises of Council, government and non-government agency programs who provide drought support and assistance. These are available in the Forbes Shire:

Local Land Services

Local Land Services (LLS) plays a crucial role in managing emergencies that affect the community, environment and economy. LLS supports Forbes community by:

  • Support for landholders during emergencies by providing advice about emergency property planning and preparedness
  • Assist landholders in recovering from biosecurity events

For more information on the drought support initiatives LLS can offer go to Drought - Local Land Services.

Locally, Central West Local Land Services supports landholders across the region during drought conditions. The staff can provide advice on pasture management and recovery, animal health and nutrition (including feeding rations) as well as a range of general advisory services. Feed tests are highly recommended to improve producers knowledge of the nutritional content of feed, allowing for informed decisions and adequate feeding regimes to maintain or improve livestock condition. The 'feed test bags' are available for collection from your nearest Local Land Services office and assistance can be provided in the interpretation of results. Travelling Stock Reserve (TSR's) access as a supplement to on farm feeding regimes continue to be highly sought after. As a reminder all access must be authorised through the issue of a permit. TSR's continue to be monitored for feed availability and nutritional quality as well as water access. Targeted events focusing on managing through drought continue to be held across the Central West Local Land Services region. These events are promoted locally and listed on their Facebook page and Website.
46 Sherriff Street (PO Box 897), Forbes NSW 2871
Ph: 6850 1600, Fax: 02 6852 4065
or visit Central West Local Land Services

Rural Aid

Rural Aid offers free, confidential counselling to Rural Aid registered farmers and their families. Rural Aid counsellors catch up with their farmers where they’re most comfortable.

Services include:

  • Counselling and Wellbeing
  • Financial Assistance
  • Fodder for Livestock
  • Domestic Water and Water Tanks
  • Workers Support

Website: Services Provided - Rural Aid - Supporting Rural Communities

Counselling Intake Line: 1300 175 594

Phone: 1300 327 624

Rural Chaplain Support Services

The Salvation Army Rural Chaplains provide care and support to people in rural and remote Australia, who, at times, feel socially and geographically isolated. Rural and remote chaplains seek to bring hope and support to people challenged with economic, environmental, emotional and/or social pressures.

Phone: (02) 9466 3544

Website: Rural and remote chaplains | The Salvation Army Australia


Forbes/Parkes Salvation Army

In addition to the financial assistance and counselling support offered by the Salvation Army state and nation wide the local Salvation Army are also doing their bit towards drought relief. Forbes Salvation Army has stockpiles of food to go out to farming families, these hampers are delivered to farming families in need and include a wide variety of food staple items and toiletries. Rural chaplains can visit you and provide emotional, spiritual and/or physical help. From practical support on the farm, to sitting down for a cuppa and a chat, Salvation Army chaplains want to lend a hand. It doesn't matter how remote or isolated you are, their Outback Flying Services enable them to travel far and wide. If you are in need of support you can contact your local Salvation Army:

Forbes Family Store
128 Rankin Street FORBES NSW 2871
Ph: (02) 6852 2133

Rural Financial Counselling Service

The RFCS is located in Forbes and provides free and confidential financial assistance to eligible clients. Clients work with a trained Rural Financial Counsellor who will help develop a personalised action plan for each farming business. In addition the service can provide information on available support, assist with applications and farm debt mediation, provide referrals to other professional services and help with decision making processes.

RFCS is located at:
157 Lachlan Street Forbes NSW 2871
Contact: 1800 940 404
E-mail: forbes@rfcscr.com.au

Daniel Brown - 0428 055 258

Rural Assistance Authority

The RAA administers financial assistance programs including loans to primary producers, small business operators sporting and recreation clubs and associations and not-for-profit organisations on behalf of both the NSW and Australian Governments.

Loan programs include:

  • Drought Resilient and Ready Fund
  • Natural Disaster Relief
  • Engine and Emerging Industries (food and beverage manufacturing)
  • Seafood Innovation Fund
  • Drought Infrastructure Fund

For more information to go https://www.raa.nsw.gov.au/loans

St Vincent De Paul Society

St Vincent de Paul Society offers a wide range of support to local farmers. If you are a farmer, farm worker or farm supplier/contractor who is doing it tough because of the drought you may be entitled to receive a one-off payment of $3,000 funded by the Australian Government’s Drought Community Support Initiative Round 2 (DCSI). You need to be over 18 years of age, be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and live or work in an eligible Local Government Area (LGA).  They can also provide referrals to alternative organisations to assist with feed and water for livestock and various other organisation to cover all your needs. Local branches hold various community engagement events throughout the year.

For more information visit Disaster recovery
or Contact the Central and Far West office on (02) 6862 5758.
Email: wcfsvdp@vinnies.org.au

Country Women's Association (CWA)

During the last drought the CWA offered various drought support measures. Up to a maximum of $3,000 per family/household was available to cover expenses such as grocery bills, vehicle maintenance, school, electricity, rates, telephone, dental and medical (gap payments or cost of travel to access treatment), for expenses that were current and/or outstanding. For more information visit CWA of NSW Drought Aid

or contact information: drought@cwaofnsw.org.au or 02 8337 0210

The Forbes branch also had a range of donated gift vouchers by distributed by the Rural Financial Counselling Service.
For up to date contact information go to Branches & Groups and search for Forbes. 

Department of Primary Industries

Are you looking for the most up to date information around drought support? Jump on to Droughthub for information around subsidies and support packages available to drought affected farmers. Local DPI staff can provide a range of information and throughout the year they run various workshops and events.

Contact Forbes District office: 02 6850 1900
NSW Government Offices Camp Street, Forbes NSW 2871

The DPI Rural Recovery Support Service is also available to ‘Listen, learn and link to create opportunities for farming communities’. They can help connect you with support services, help you develop your skills, advocate for community needs and assist with recovery from adverse events. They are heavily involved with mental health services and can provide links to support services in this area. For more information visit Rural Recovery Support Services

Drought Angels

Is a registered charity offering personalised, heartfelt and discrete assistance to farming families, ‘a thank you not a hand out’.   They can assist by providing Stock feed, financial support via Pre-paid visas and local produce vouchers from within the communities, moral support through personal face to face or phone contact and referrals to other support networks as needed.

For more information or apply for assistance visit Drought Angels 

Or contact them on 07 4662 7371 or admin@droughtangels.org.au


The NSW Government has partnered with GIVIT to enable the effective delivery of charity and aid to farmers and rural communities impacted by the drought. GIVIT supports charities by providing a virtual warehouse where people/business can pledge their support ($, goods, services, volunteer) and be matched with a community or charity that requires that type of support. 100% of donations will go on ground to those in need and the strong focus is on supporting small towns with local buying. After all, it’s about supporting our small businesses during this drought too. Please spread the word and direct all charitable drought efforts to GIVIT.

For more information visit GIVIT.

Farm Hub

FarmHub connects Australian farmers to a range of helpful services and support. The FarmHub initially launched as a portal through which farmers could access information about assistance and advice to manage hardship, with an initial focus on drought. Recently, they have broadened the scope of FarmHub to include more information relevant to farmers and farming communities, including training and climate information. FarmHub has been developed by the National Farmers’ Federation using funding from the Commonwealth Government and in partnership with numerous government and non-profit agencies which provide support to farmers.

For more information visit FarmHub.