Tenders and Expressions of Interest

Register with VendorPanel Marketplace

The public Marketplace is free for suppliers, and once registered, your business profile will be visible to thousands of government and corporate buyers who use the platform to find and engage local suppliers in a fair and transparent quotation process. Once registered you’ll receive notifications of Public Tenders and be able to receive invitations to quote on work.

Click here to register.

Coming soon in 2025: Council will be switching to VendorPanel to issue ALL quotes and tenders to registered suppliers in the VendorPanel Marketplace, so make sure you register!

Expressions of Interest

As part of its decision-making processes, Forbes Shire Council frequently puts significant proposed changes of policy or direction on public exhibition to invite comment from the community, before a final decision is taken.

Other opportunities to engage with the council are put openly to the whole community when the Council seeks ‘expressions of interest’ on a proposal. On this page, you can find details of a number of matters which are currently up for public comment or seeking expressions of interest:

Expression of Interest Submission Period Closes

EOI – Leasing of Lane situated East of Ooma Street

Council is seeking expressions of interest for the lease over a lane adjoining Lots 553, 554, 606, 607 and 608 Deposited Plan 750158 and Lot 2 Deposited Plan 532593 and east of Ooma Street. The lane is roughly 7,710sq m and there is no access to electricity or water at this site. Expressions of interest may be tendered using this form (DOCX 498.2KB). Completed forms can be emailed to forbes@forbes.nsw.gov.au, posted to The General Manager, Forbes Shire Council, PO Box 333, Forbes NSW 2871 or delivered to 2 Court Street, Forbes. For further information please contact Council’s Manager Corporate Business on 6850 2300 (Option 4). Submissions close COB 3 February 2025.

3 February 2025

EOI – Leasing of Hangar J, Forbes Aerodrome

Council is seeking expressions of interest for the lease of Hangar J at the Forbes Aerodrome. The hangar is located on the eastern boundary of the Forbes Aerodrome and is the southernmost hangar in the group of three hangars off Doctor Young Drive. The building ground area is 329.9m² and has unsealed access to the aerodrome runway. There is no access to electricity or water at this site and no hardstand apron to the front of the hangar. The rent expectation is $4,500 per annum, paid monthly.

Expressions of interest may be tendered using this form (DOCX 522.7KB). Completed forms can be emailed to forbes@forbes.nsw.gov.au, posted to The General Manager, Forbes Shire Council, PO Box 333, Forbes NSW 2871 or delivered to 2 Court Street, Forbes. For further information please contact Council’s Manager Corporate Business on 6850 2300 (Option 4). Submissions close COB 3 February 2025.

3 February 2025

EOI Suppliers of Local Products/Produce at the Forbes Visitor Information Centre

Forbes Shire Council is seeking Expressions of Interest for local goods to be sold at the new Forbes Visitor Information Centre, located at the former Lachlan Vintage Village. Local suppliers must have capacity to provide and deliver adequate stock and hold appropriate insurances licences, certificates and ABN.

For consideration, Expression of Interest Forms are available to download here. For further information please contact the Forbes Visitor Information Centre by email tourism@forbes.nsw.gov.au

 Ongoing EOI


Open Tenders

Council invites submissions for the following tenders, request for quotations and expressions of interest.

Tenders, addressed to the General Manager, are to be lodged via Council's e-tendering portal, Tenderlink

For further information contact Council's Manager Corporate Business on 6850 2300.

Please note that canvassing of any of Council’s Officers or Councillors will disqualify applications from the tendering, quotation and expressions of interest process. The lowest of any tender, quotation and expressions of interest will not necessarily be accepted.

Submission Period Closes

RFT 2024-37 - Provision of Traffic Control Services

Council is seeking tenders from suitably qualified and experienced parties for the provision of traffic control services within the Forbes Local Government Area (LGA) and RMCC State Road Network. Council will appoint a primary and alternate Contractor under this Contract. The deadline for submissions is 11am, Friday 31 January 2025. Tenders are to be lodged via Council’s e-tendering portal, VendorPanel Marketplace

For further information, please contact Council's Governance Officer - Procurement and Risk, Danielle Green, on 02 6850 2300 or via email at forbes@forbes.nsw.gov.au.

Canvassing of any of Council's staff or Councillors will disqualify tenderers from the tendering process. The lowest of any quotation will not necessarily be accepted.

 11am, Friday 31 January 2025

Recently Closed Tenders

Tender Submissions received (in alphabetical order)

RFT 2024-30 Provision of Cleaning Services (Public Amenities)

This request for tender was facilitated by the Central NSW Joint Organisation (CNSWJO).

First Facilities Services Australia Pty Ltd
Forbes Shire Council
Strike Force Services Pty Limited

 RFT 2024-26 Provision of Cleaning Services (Office Buildings)

Aces High Cleaning Services
Advanced National Services Pty Ltd
Antimraj Pty Ltd
Squeeky Clean Cleaning Service
Strike Force Services
VDG Pty Ltd


Recent Tender Outcomes 

Please find the below the outcome of tenders considered by Council in 2024.

Interested parties may also access Council's Register of Government Contracts here.

For further information, please contact Council's Manager Corporate Business on 6850 2300.

Tender Tender Outcome Value of successful tender submission
RFT 2024-28 Homemaker Centre Internal Reticulation Design and Construction
D&C Powerline Constructions  $510,884.00
RFT 2024-17 North Forbes Servicing Strategy 
ADW Johnson Pty Ltd $196,163.00
RFT 2024-15 Forbes Cultural Centre Milestone 2a External Facade RKJ Builders Pty Ltd
Schedule of Rates
RFT 2024-20 Management of Operations and Water Quality at Forbes Olympic Pool
Lifeguarding Services Australia Pty Ltd $262,000.00 per annum
RFT 2024-12 Multi-purpose Equestrian Centre Electrical and Lighting (Stage 1)
Yenech Pty Ltd T/A Cheney's Electrical Contracting  $254,380.27
RFQ 2023-46 Supply and Delivery of Ready Mixed Concrete Lachlan Ready Mix T/A Forbes Concrete Schedule of Rates
RFT 2023-32 Spooner Oval Grandstand Hines Constructions Pty Ltd $3,542,775.50