Grants Hub

There are many potential sources of grants or funding for community projects.  These include; government funding (state and federal), private philanthropic organisations and even private companies who may offer sponsorship. To get you started on your grants journey click on the category below that matches your project and have a browse. If you are unsure about which category is a match contact our grants officers for some advice. 

Please note - Council does not provide funding to individuals. Twice a year applications are taken for Council's Community Funding Program. Click here for more information.

Grants Officer

Forbes Shire Council has a Grants Officer available to assist residents in finding and preparing grant applications. The Grants Officer can not only assist you to find a funding source but can give you some great tips on giving yourself the best chance of success.  Hint – number one is about committing to planning your project well before you start to even think about how you are going to pay for it!

To learn more about the grants available and other great tips make an appointment to discuss by contacting Council 02 6850 2300 or email


Monthly Grants Newsletter - The Grants Feed

Sign up to our Monthly Newsletter "The Grants Feed" here.


These grants provide small amounts of money that organisations and community groups can use to help their volunteers. The grants form part of the State and Federal Government's work to support volunteers, as well as to encourage and increase participation in volunteering.

 Closes Grant Description
Ongoing Grants & Funding NSW Government Find a government initiative, grant or funding program to help support your business, your project or your community.
Ongoing  Strengthening Rural Communities - Small & Vital

The Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) Small & Vital stream gives small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds for a broad range of initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities.

Grants up to $10,000 are available for a broad range of grassroots, community-led initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities that strengthen local people, places and climate solutions, with a preference for smaller communities (populations under 15,000).

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and assessed quarterly. 

Ongoing  Westpac Youth Impact Challenge

The Westpac Youth Impact Challenge is a nationwide initiative open to all Australian students aged 7 to 21. The Challenge aims to help students solve problems in their local communities. To take part in the Challenge, participants must identify a local problem and brainstorm an innovative business or social change idea to solve it. Participants can choose to work individually, or in a group of up to 3. 

Selected winners will receive an Exclusive Prize Pack which will include a Microsoft Surface laptop from partner Microsoft, a 12-month Membership to ‘The Academy’ by the Australian School of Entrepreneurship which will provide them with access to eLearning content, resources and exclusive members perks and discounts, a Spill the Beans Pitch Opportunity, access to financial education mentoring support for your business or social change idea from Westpac’s Davidson Institute and an invitation to their Young Entrepreneurs Advisory Council and an opportunity to pitch at the final Challenge event!

Ongoing Variety - the Children's Charity: Community Grant Variety NSW/ACT promotes inclusivity for all Australian children. Schools and NFP organisations are invited to apply for a grant up to $10,000 to purchase equipment that will promote access and inclusivity in the community for children aged 0-18 years, living with financial disadvantage, geographic isolation and/or a disability or chronic illness. Applications are accepted all year round.  Once submitted, your application will be pre-assessed by the Kids Support Team to make sure it meets criteria. If eligible, it will then go to the Grants Committee for a final decision.
Ongoing IOOF Foundation Community Grant Program

The IOOF Foundation provides grants that support Australian not-for-profit organisations working with disadvantaged families, children and youth. The general grant program is for funding on average for $75,000 per year for up to two years. Please ensure you provide as much budget information as possible to enable us to evaluate the grant amount requested against funds available to distribute. Whilst our initial general grants are on average $75,000, we do have current grants ranging from $10,000 - $150,000 pa.

The Mental Awareness Foundation

The Mental Awareness Foundation has made a goal of trying to support grass-root charities and organisations in the mental health sector that perhaps the public has not heard of.  The Mental Awareness Foundation has the following grants on offer:

  • Large Grants - 7 x $25,000
  • Small Grants - $5,000 and $10,000 to the value of $25,000
  • Total Funding requested must not exceed $25,000.

Applications must be submitted online. Applications can be submitted throughout the year.

Ongoing CFC Foundation Community Grants

The Foundation is responsive to requests that contribute to increasing access to opportunities and is dedicated to supporting charities, non-profit organisations, and social enterprises that work within the four primary focus areas:

  • Education
  • Medical Research & Health
  • Disadvantage Youth
  • Arts & Culture
 Ongoing We Join Grant  Variety NSW/ACT promotes inclusivity for all Australian children. Schools and NFP organisations are invited to apply for a grant up to $10,000 to purchase equipment that will promote access and inclusivity in the community for children aged 0-18 years, living with financial disadvantage, geographic isolation and/or a disability or chronic illness. Some examples to get you thinking are technology like smart boards; supplies like school bubblers, library resources or musical instruments; play or canteen equipment; or perhaps funding for a school camp or group outing.

24 July 2024

Community War Memorials Fund

The objective of the Community War Memorials Fund is to help conserve, repair and protect war memorials across NSW to support community commemoration. Two application rounds are run each year. The rounds open on Anzac Day and Remembrance Day. Applications to the CWMF must align with and be submitted under one of the below category descriptions:

  • Category A - Engaging heritage or other relevant specialists (such as engineers) to produce reports relating to the repair, protection and/or conservation of existing war memorials.
  • Category B - Physical works relating to the repair, protection and/or conservation of existing war memorials. Reminder: The CWMF supports projects for existing war memorials. Applications cannot be submitted for the construction of new war memorials.

 31 July 2024

GrainCorp Community Fund Grant

GrainCorp seeks to support our communities in their endeavours to develop, renew, recover and thrive. Our grants program provides financial support to organisations and projects that contribute to the development and promotion of those communities. There are two types of activities that we fund:

  • Community-related programs & activities (Maximum funding limit: $5,000)
  • Community infrastructure projects (Maximum funding limit: $20,000)

To be eligible for our Community Foundation Grants Program, your organisation or project must: Be based within a GrainCorp operational region or region linked to grain growing activities; Be intended to have a positive effect on local communities in rural and regional areas; Demonstrate a direct connection with community development; and be categorised within at least one of GrainCorp’s Community Foundation Pillars.

31 July 2024 Forbes Shire Council Community Funding Program

This program provides financial and in-kind support to encourage and assist community groups and organisations to make a positive and ongoing contribution to the community’s wellbeing, cultural life and environmental sustainability. 

Each financial year there will be a maximum of $100,000 available for projects that will assist organisations to make a positive and ongoing contribution to the community’s wellbeing, cultural life, economic development and environmental sustainability. $50,000 will be available in each of two assessment rounds, with funding available for projects in four categories:

  • Culture and the Arts;
  • Sport and Recreation;
  • Community Services;
  • Rural Village Enhancement

Each of the four categories will have a total of $25,000 available annually, with unspent funds from the September assessment round rolling over into the following round. Unspent funds will not roll over into a new financial year.

Eligible community groups and organisations can apply for up to $5,000 per project for: Funding Assistance: direct cash contribution towards undertaking a project or running an activity or event; In-Kind Assistance: contributions of physical Council resources (such as waiving of Council’s Fees and Charges, venue or plant hire and labour). The estimated cost of this in-kind assistance will be included in the funding allocation. Combination of funding assistance and in-kind assistance (with an estimated total of $5,000 or less).

For projects involving capital works (construction of new infrastructure, or the upgrade, refurbishment or extension of existing infrastructure – eg. Installation of new fence, construction of new storage shed, painting of existing toilet block etc), applicants must be able to demonstrate at least 50% funding towards the project. This may take the form of a cash contribution and/or an in-kind contribution, such as the use of volunteers or resources donated from another source.

1 August 2024 ANZ Seeds of Renewal

ANZ Seeds of Renewal is a small grants program designed to help build vibrant and sustainable rural communities, to ensure the ongoing prosperity of regional Australia.

Through the Seeds of Renewal program, ANZ commits $250,000 which is distributed through grants of up to $15,000 to community organisations for projects that will help their community thrive.

Funding is offered to community organisations in remote, rural or regional locations for projects aligned to four focus areas: 

 Environmental sustainability: initiatives that restore and conserve the natural environment or which contribute to lower carbon emissions, water stewardship and waste minimisation; Financial wellbeing: particularly for under-represented and disadvantaged people in the community, including initiatives that improve economic participation. For example, building financial literacy and vocational skills and providing access to meaningful work; Housing access: initiatives and programs that support those experiencing or at risk of homelessness or that provide supports for people living with disability; or Projects that assist local communities to thrive.  

8 August 2024 Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants Program

Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants is a small grants program aiming to contribute to the success, vibrancy and wellbeing of rural and regional communities nationwide.

Grants up to $5,000 are available to not-for-profit or incorporated organisations in rural and regional Australia to deliver projects that have a charitable purpose to broadly benefit their local community, contributing to its strength and creating long term positive outcomes. For example:

  • Bringing people and community organisations together to foster stronger, more resilient communities;
  • Fostering and celebrating a sense of identity, diversity and cultural connection within the community;
  • Imporving community health and social wellbeing;
  • Enabling people to develop skills, knowledge and confidence to lead and contribute to the prosperity and renewal of their community;
  • Building a sustainable volunteer base and/or supporting the wellbeing of volunteers;
  • Celebrating and resourcing volunteer-led efforts;
  • Increasing access and inclusion for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups;
  • Enhancing places where communities gather;
  • Promoting connection to place and enabling initiatives that champion a community's social, cultural or economic aspirations.

15 August 2024 Youngcare's  At Home Care Grants

Youngcare's At Home Care Grants (AHCG) provide funding for equipment, home modifications and essential support that is unable to be funded through other means (eg NDIS). This funding is to both enhance the quality of life for young people with high physical care needs and assist them to remain living in their own home with loved ones. The grants provide one-off funding of up to $10,000 to help those aged 16-65 with high physical car needs who are living at home and are at risk of entering inappropriate housing.

30 August 2024 Cowal Evolution Mining Our Sponsorship and Donations program is one of the ways we support organisations and initiatives that benefit our local communities. Evolution particularly encourages members of the community to submit applications that provide outcomes in the areas of economic development, youth, health, education and environment. In addition to applications for financial assistance, we encourage organisations to submit applications for in kind support, material donations or volunteer assistance.
31 August 2024 Tucker Foundation Grants

Grants of up to $25,000 will be considered. Grants are available to organisations with income tax exemption and ACNC registration for local, regional or national projects anywhere in Australia. Australian organisations seeking funding for projects undertaken overseas may also be considered. Much of the Foundation's funding is allocated to small scale, grassroots groups that are well placed to make a real difference but have limited resources and often struggle to find funding. They prioritise groups who are entirely or predominantly run by volunteers. If an organisation is in the fortunate position of having many supporters and corporate sponsors or can secure mainstream funding such as government grants, their application will likely be unsuccessful. Given the current environmental and humanitarian crises facing our planet, the Foundation's dedication to supporting groups involved at the grassroots has never been stronger. As a result of this, they tend to prioritize projects that deal with their response in a practical and clear way. Examples of this include; Purchases of vital equipment, such as vehicles for wildlife rescue, purchase of plants for revegetation projects, or funding of projects that qualify vulnerable women to begin paid employment.

22 September 2024 RAS Foundation Rural Scholarships Rural Scholarships are available to support individuals in NSW and the ACT, who demonstrate a passion for rural communities and commitment for any career that will ensure the future success of rural and regional NSW. Scholarships of up to $6,000 are available for full-time students and up to $3,000 for part-time students. The scholarships are paid in three instalments throughout the year, with the first instalment paid in April of each year. There is no limit on the types of courses that qualify or the age of the applicant. You could be studying anything from physiotherapy, engineering, teaching, agricultural science, horticulture, medicine and commerce - and almost everything in between. You could be studying at University, TAFE or VET courses, on campus or by distance learning. However, applicants all have one thing in common - a desire to play an active part in the future of rural NSW.
31 October 2024 Evolution Mining

Northparkes has two Community Investment Program rounds each year with $50,000 awarded to successful applicants each round – that’s a total of $100,000 in funding. Applications are accepted year-round and are reviewed after the closing dates of 30 April and 31 October each year. They support initiatives which contribute to the Parkes and Forbes local government areas in the following categories: economic development, culture and recreation, education and youth, environment and health.

Various grants are available for encouraging sporting pursuits of all ages. They can provide funds to buy equipment and uniforms through to infrastructure and maintenance of grounds.



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07 August 2024 Telstra Footy Country Grants

The Telstra Footy Country Grants is designed to financially assist initiatives that can support Community Clubs affiliated to the AFL to strengthen the base and secure the future in three key strategic areas. Local football clubs across Australia will have the opportunity to share in an $8 million funding boost over the next four years, as the AFL and Telstra launch Telstra Footy Country Grants. With a pool of $2 million to be distributed in 2024, eligible regional and metro clubs can apply for grants up to $20,000 - helping strengthen, sustain and grow local footy.

As the foundation of our great game and the heartbeat of communities, investment in local clubs is vital to ensuring everyone has access to play Aussie Rules and experience the health, social and wellbeing benefits that come with belonging to a club. Aligned to the AFL strategic objectives, the grants will look to strengthen the base and secure the future of community football through the following criteria: Grow and assist volunteer capacity; Grow and diversify participation; Improve club environments and experiences. 


Art Grants offer support to artists in all fields of the arts to support them in creating their work, and free them up to concentrate on creating. These grants can cover all forms of the Arts including performance, collaborations, productions, publishing, recording and creative development.

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Ongoing Quick response Small Projects - Create NSW Small Project Grants support the creation, development and presentation of new work and professional development or promotion for NSW-based professional artists and arts and cultural workers. You can apply for between $500 and $5000 towards your project. Ongoing rounds.
8 August 2024 Arts & Cultural Funding Program

This funding is provided on an annual basis to support arts and cultural organisations, local government authorities and service organisations to deliver arts and cultural activities throughout a single calendar or financial year.

Annual funding for arts and cultural organisations including local government authorities supports innovation, vibrancy and creativity within the NSW arts and cultural sector. Annual funding for organisations is provided on an annual basis to support arts and cultural organisations, local government authorities and service organisations to deliver arts and cultural activities throughout a single calendar or financial year.

Annual funding objectives:

  • deliver a dynamic and diverse range of arts and cultural experiences to communities across NSW
  • contribute to the development of a vibrant and accessible arts and cultural sector
  • support the employment and development of professional NSW-based artists and arts/cultural workers(including museum workers).

19 August 2024 The Backroads Initiative

The Backroads Initiative is established to enable high-quality, small-scale professional productions to smaller towns and remote communities in regional NSW.  Backroads is best suited to compact, adaptable, low budget productions that would suit a community centre, old town hall, local cinema or café, or small, independent theatre. Tours need to be self-sufficient, able to produce, mount and market their work in regional and remote towns.

Applicants can apply for up to $10,000 to support a tour to one or more independent or community run venues in regional NSW. Applicants are expected to have other sources of income in their budgets, be that ticket sales, other grants, sponsorship or company contribution.

16 August 2024 Regional Arts Fund The Project Grants will fund high-quality arts projects benefitting regional or remote artists, arts workers, audiences and communities. The focus of the project could include any area of creative practice, multiple art forms or cross-disciplinary practice. You can apply for Project Grants of up to $30,000. There is no minimum grant amount. Assessors will make decisions around funding allocated to successful applicants, taking into consideration the quantum of funds available in the individual state/territory. You are strongly encouraged to speak with a Regional Program Administrator Program Officer, especially if you are applying for grants greater than $20,000 as a large funding request may be unrealistic where the available funds are limited.



Environmental Grants can support community groups undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, on land or in air, rural or urban. We will direct organisations and individuals to the right support grants available.



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Ongoing Small Environment Grants

Wettenhall Environment Trust are providing support for people undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban. The Trust support grassroots organisations and individuals, and academics who are working with on-ground community groups. The Trust are looking for projects around about flora and fauna conservation around Australia. These projects should involve any of the following: monitoring, recording and sharing data; delivering community education; providing community capacity building (e.g. training); research and science. 

Grants are usually under $10,000. Wettenhall also grants on behalf of donors, and sometimes these programs can be over $10,000. If you have a project over $10,000, check with the Executive Director. Universities and academics can only apply for up to $5,000.




Funding, grants and assistance for agriculture industries can be found here.

Grant Description

Off-farm Efficiency Program - Water

The Australian Government’s Off-farm Efficiency Program is an initiative to upgrade water infrastructure to reduce water losses and increase water available for the environment. Projects funded under the program will provide long-term benefits through improved water infrastructure and reduced water losses. Water users and the community will also benefit from increased water reliability and the creation of job opportunities.

Ongoing Drought Ready and Resilient Fund

The NSW Government has committed $250 million to establish the Drought Ready and Resilient Fund, an initiative designed to bolster the resilience of NSW farmers to future adverse weather events and climatic conditions, such as drought. Through the Drought Ready and Resilient Fund, eligible primary producers can access a low interest loan up to $250,000 to help prepare for, manage and recover from drought. The loan can be used for products, activities and services relating to animal welfare, farm preparedness, income diversification, environmental improvements as well as training and business development. The Drought Ready and Resilient Fund loan facility has been designed to complement the existing Drought Infrastructure Fund loan product, formerly known as the Farm Innovation Fund.  (See Drought Infrastructure Fund here ) The current interest rate for Drought Ready and Resilient Fund loans is: 5.10% per annum for a 5-year loan; 5.60% per annum for a 10-year loan

Customers will be provided with an indicative interest rate at the point of application, however the rate applied to the loan will not be determined until the date of first drawn down.  The interest rate applied to the loan is fixed for the term of the loan. Applications are now open and will continue to be accepted until program funding is exhausted.



Emergency Assistance

Funding, grants and assistance for those affected by natural disaster can be found here: Support and Assistance 

19 July 2024 Supporting Spontaneous Volunteers Program The Supporting Spontaneous Volunteers Program will provide $5 million in funding to projects across NSW to support communities and volunteers to be better prepared, supported, coordinated and mobilised to respond to disaster events.  The Program is aimed to support communities and volunteers to be better prepared, supported, coordinated and mobilised to respond to disaster events.
Spontaneous or Informal Volunteers are individuals or groups of people who offer their assistance during and/or after an emergency who are unaffiliated with any part of the existing official emergency management response and recovery system. This program is funded and administered by NSW Reconstruction Authority.


Funding, grants and assistance for businesses can be found here.

 Closes Grant Description
Ongoing SafeWork Small Business Rebate If you are a small business owner in NSW, this $1,000 rebate will help you purchase safety items to improve work health and safety for you and your workers. This program is administered by SafeWork NSW.
Ongoing First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program

The FNTMP can support you to grow your tourism business by connecting you with expert advice, tailored learning and access to culturally respectful industry specialists. If you are a First Nations tourism business and you have aspirations to grow, the FNTMP will give you access to free one-on-one mentoring, delivered in a way which suits your needs. 

The FNTMP can support you to grow your tourism business by: connecting you with industry professionals who can provide free, one-on-one advice; and culturally respectful support; providing access to a suite of learning supports and resources developed for and tailored to the First Nations tourism sector.

The mentoring will be delivered by industry specialists who have: tourism industry knowledge and experience including understanding of local tourism opportunities; experience working in a culturally appropriate and respectful manner with First Nations businesses and/or communities; previous experience providing business advice and support (including mentoring) and/or owning and operating a business.

It is a flexible program and the mentoring will be a mixture of face to face and online as preferred. Mentees will have an initial, one-on-one meeting with their mentor to discuss the current state of their business, their goals and objectives and to agree on the duration and frequency of mentoring as per the table below. 

Small Business Skills and Training Boost Through the Australian Taxation Office, this initiative provides small businesses with a bonus tax deduction to help them train new staff and upskill existing staff. Small businesses with an aggregated annual turnover of less than $50 million will be allowed an additional 20% tax deduction for external training courses delivered to employees by registered training providers. The boost applies to eligible expenditure incurred from 7:30 pm AEDT on 29 March 2022 until 30 June 2024. The expenditure must be: for the provision of training to employees of your business, either in-person in Australia, or online; charged, directly or indirectly, by a registered external training provider that is not you or an associate of yours; already deductible for your business under taxation law; incurred within a specified period (between 7:30 pm AEDT or by legal time in the ACT on 29 March 2022 and 30 June 2024).
Ongoing Small Business Technology Investment Boost This initiative allows small businesses to claim a 20% bonus deduction on technology expenditure to help digitise their business. Small businesses with an aggregated annual turnover of less than $50 million will be allowed an additional 20% tax deduction to support their digital operations and digitise their operations. The boost applies to eligible expenditure incurred between 7:30 pm AEDT on 29 March 2022 and 30 June 2023. The boost is for business expenses and depreciating assets and is capped at $100,000 of expenditure per income year. You can receive a maximum bonus deduction of $20,000 per income year. Eligible expenditure includes, but is not limited to: digital enabling items – computer and telecommunications hardware and equipment, software, internet costs, systems and services that form and facilitate the use of computer networks; digital media and marketing – audio and visual content that can be created, accessed, stored or viewed on digital devices, including web page design; e-commerce – goods or services supporting digitally ordered or platform-enabled online transactions, portable payment devices, digital inventory management, subscriptions to cloud-based services, and advice on digital operations or digitising operations, such as advice about digital tools to support business continuity and growth; cyber security – cyber security systems, backup management and monitoring services.
Ongoing Self Employment Assistance Program Self-Employment Assistance can help you turn your business idea or existing small business into a viable business. Self-Employment Assistance can help you with your business idea or existing business through its flexible services including: Exploring Self-Employment Workshops; Business Plan Development; free accredited Small Business Training; Business Advice Sessions; Business Health Checks; Small Business Coaching.
Industry Growth Program The program supports innovative small and medium enterprises undertaking commercialisation and/or growth projects within the National Reconstruction Fund priority areas through advisory services and opportunities for matched grant funding. The NRF priority areas are: value-add in resources; value-add in agriculture, forestry and fisheries; transport; medical science; renewables and low emission technologies; defence capability; enabling capabilities.
When Funds Exhausted Engine and Emerging Industries Loan Pilot

The Department of Regional NSW has recently announced in Orange through the Regional Development Trust Fund, a $5m investment into engine and emerging industries in regional NSW centred on the food & beverage (F&B) industry. The Engine and Emerging Industries Loan Pilot provides low interest loans of between $100,000 and $1 million are now available to eligible regional enterprises to fund activities that support investment in new technologies and equipment that will increase efficiency and productivity.

This is a particularly important for our Central West footprint as the F&B industry provides significant contribution to our GVA. Applicants can apply for funding for activities that commenced on or after 1 April 2024.

  • The loan can be used to fund investments that will result in:
  • implementation of advanced manufacturing techniques and technology
  • expansion of existing advanced manufacturing capabilities
  • access to external expertise that is directly related to delivery of the project
  • purchase and/or installation of specialist equipment and/or infrastructure necessary to progress the project including mobile equipment
  • intellectual property protection or advice
  • increased capabilities/efficiencies of pre or post-production phases, for example, implementation of pre-market and/or after-market service activities.
16 August 2024 The Kickstarter Challenge

The Kickstarter Challenge invites women 18 years and over who have a business idea to be part of the challenge. Submit your business idea for a chance to win a share of $60,000 in equity-free funding. Categories for the Kickstarter Challenge 2024 are as follows:

  • Health, Wellbeing and The Care Economy: What improvements can be made to address health and wellbeing challenges facing Australians?
  • Climate Change and Sustainability: What is a sustainable solution to help protect and safeguard the climate.
  • Community Impact: What innovative idea helps to empower or provide value to the community as a whole or for a specific community.
  • Fintech or Ecommerce: What Software, mobile application, or other technology solution can improve or automate traditional forms of finance or commerce for businesses and consumers alike.
  • Popular Vote: You may also pursue the Popular Vote, where the winner qualifies based on the number of votes received between the time submissions open and close. Entries in the popular vote must also fit within one of the four categories above.

The total value of the equity-free cash prize money is $60,000 AUD which will be shared amongst the Competition Finalists as follows: The Competition winner (Winner) will receive $30,000 AUD; Each finalist (Finalist) will receive $7,500 AUD.


Grant Success Stories

In the 2022/23 financial year, fifteen grants have been successful to a total value: $27,789,725. We continue to strive for more success stories for our community. Please contact us if you need help with your next grant application.

Community Group Success Story

The Forbes Dragon Boat Club were successful in obtaining a grant through Forbes Shire Council's Community Funding Program. The club has purchased a new trailer with the funds to help them move their 10's boat in and out of the water and into storage.  Well done to those involved and happy rowing!

 Dragon Boat 1