Ongoing |
Grants & Funding NSW Government |
Find a government initiative, grant or funding program to help support your business, your project or your community. |
Ongoing |
Strengthening Rural Communities - Small & Vital
The Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) Small & Vital stream gives small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds for a broad range of initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities.
Grants up to $10,000 are available for a broad range of grassroots, community-led initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities that strengthen local people, places and climate solutions, with a preference for smaller communities (populations under 15,000).
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and assessed quarterly.
Ongoing |
Variety - the Children's Charity: Community Grant |
Variety NSW/ACT promotes inclusivity for all Australian children. Schools and NFP organisations are invited to apply for a grant up to $10,000 to purchase equipment that will promote access and inclusivity in the community for children aged 0-18 years, living with financial disadvantage, geographic isolation and/or a disability or chronic illness. Applications are accepted all year round. Once submitted, your application will be pre-assessed by the Kids Support Team to make sure it meets criteria. If eligible, it will then go to the Grants Committee for a final decision. |
Ongoing |
IOOF Foundation Community Grant |
The IOOF Foundation provides grants that support Australian not-for-profit organisations working with disadvantaged families, children and youth. The general grant program is for funding on average for $75,000 per year for up to two years. Please ensure you provide as much budget information as possible to enable us to evaluate the grant amount requested against funds available to distribute. Whilst our initial general grants are on average $75,000, we do have current grants ranging from $10,000 - $150,000 pa.
The Mental Awareness Foundation |
The Mental Awareness Foundation has made a goal of trying to support grass-root charities and organisations in the mental health sector that perhaps the public has not heard of. The Mental Awareness Foundation has the following grants on offer:
- Large Grants - 7 x $25,000
- Small Grants - $5,000 and $10,000 to the value of $25,000
- Total Funding requested must not exceed $25,000.
Applications must be submitted online. Applications can be submitted throughout the year.
Ongoing |
CFC Foundation Community Grants |
The Foundation is responsive to requests that contribute to increasing access to opportunities and is dedicated to supporting charities, non-profit organisations, and social enterprises that work within the four primary focus areas:
- Education
- Medical Research & Health
- Disadvantage Youth
- Arts & Culture
Ongoing |
EV Fleets Incentive - Kickstart Funding |
The EV fleets incentive is a payment scheme that helps eligible organisations procure battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and smart chargers. The funding is designed to cover part of the total cost of ownership (TCO) gap between a BEV and an equivalent internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV), hybrid electric (HEV) or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).
Eligible applicants to the kick-start funding include:
- any organisation that operates a fleet of at least 3 vehicles (ICE vehicles or hybrid, or PHEV, or BEV) in NSW to support their operations or
- any organisation or individual that owns at least one licensed taxi in NSW.
Organisations can apply to kick-start funding for a maximum of 10 vehicles and smart charging ports total across all rounds.
Ongoing |
Inland Rail Community Grants Program |
Funding will be available to short-term projects and activities that contribute to local and regional prosperity, wellbeing and sustainability, such as upgrading community facilities and equipment, implementing unique STEM project in schools, mentoring and developing local business communities and hosting community events. |
12 February 2025 |
Community War Memorial Funds |
The objective of the Community War Memorials Fund is to help conserve, repair and protect war memorials across NSW to support community commemoration.
Two application rounds are run each year. The rounds open on Anzac Day and Remembrance Day. Applications to the CWMF must align with and be submitted under one of the below category descriptions:
- Category A - Engaging heritage or other relevant specialists (such as engineers) to produce reports relating to the repair, protection and/or conservation of existing war memorials.
- Category B - Physical works relating to the repair, protection and/or conservation of existing war memorials. Reminder: The CWMF supports projects for existing war memorials. Applications cannot be submitted for the construction of new war memorials.
16 February 2025 |
Aboriginal Fishing Trust Fund |
The Aboriginal Fishing Trust Fund provides grants and loans for the enhancement, maintenance and protection of Aboriginal cultural fishing, and for Aboriginal communities to develop businesses associated with fisheries resources throughout.
There are different funding options to choose from when applying for funding:
- Small Projects – seeking less than $5,000 of funding
- Large Projects – seeking up to $500,000 of funding
- Low or zero interest Loans
Please note that upper funding limits are subject to available funds, and application for funds is competitive. Upon review of an application, a recommendation for an alternative funding type to the one selected by the applicant may be made for the project, which will be further discussed with the applicant.
20 February 2025 |
Regional Economic Development and Community Investment |
The Regional Economic Development and Community Investment Program is open to initiatives that promote regional economic development and support employment creation and retention.
This program is aimed at funding two project types:
- Infrastructure projects: $500,000 - $5 million
- Services and program delivery: $250,000 - $1 million
Funding will only be provided for a purpose that is consistent with one or more objects of the Act:
- to promote economic and employment growth in regions in accordance with the principles of ecologically sustainable development
- to support sustainable economies, a healthy environment and resilient communities in regions
- to support place-based solutions, targeted to the development problems of particular locations and developed in collaboration with the local community, that promote improved economic, environmental and social outcomes in regions to assist communities in regions
- to capitalise on regional strengths by supporting the diversification, adaptation and resilience of regional economies, including in relation to established and emerging primary and other industries to support the transition of communities affected by economic, environmental and social change
- to facilitate the economic and social development of Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal enterprises in regions
- to encourage cooperation in relation to the matters in paragraphs (all the above dot points) among all tiers of government, including local government, the private sector and not-for-profit organisations.
21 February 2025
Community Building Partnership Program |
The NSW Government is investing in infrastructure projects that deliver positive social, environmental and recreational outcomes, while also promoting community participation, inclusion and cohesion.
- Incorporated not-for-profit community organisations and local councils will be eligible to apply for grants of between $10,000 and $100,000.
- Grants can be for building, refurbishing or repairing community infrastructure, or for buying freestanding equipment or vehicles.
- Each state electorate receives a maximum of $450,000 in funding and applications are assessed against other proposed projects within the same electorate.
- A total of $41,850,000 in grants will be available for local infrastructure projects through the CBP program.
27 February 2025 |
2025 National Water Grid Fund |
The Australian Government, through the National Water Grid Fund, is making funding available for priority water infrastructure projects to improve the reliability and security of water for Australia's regional and remote towns, agriculture and primary industry sectors.
This scheme includes funding for new infrastructure and invests in scientific research to drive long-term, economically sound, environmentally sustainable and culturally responsive benefits for local communities. It also includes funding crucial water security projects in regional and remote First Nations communities as part of Closing the Gap.
03 March 2025 |
Active Australia Innovation Challenge |
The Heart Foundation has grants up to the value of $30,000 for new, innovative programs that get more people moving in schools, universities or local community groups.
The Active Australia Innovation Challenge is intended to support people who do not meet Australia’s Physical Activity Guidelines, are at risk of chronic disease and live in communities with high levels of physical inactivity, including rural and remote regions.
This grant is intended to provide funding to kick-start a project or to provide seed funding in support of a larger project. Should the project be for the latter, supporting documentation will need to be provided to confirm funding has already been sought to fulfil the project implementation.
The Heart Foundation strongly encourages innovative projects that support people:
- identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
- with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- living with a disability
- living in rural and remote regions
Opens 17 February 2025 |
NAB Community Grants |
The NAB Foundation Community Grants program provides funding of up to $25,000 for local projects that help communities withstand and recover from natural disasters.
Australian communities are being hit harder by natural disasters more often. It takes many hands to get communities back up and running after a disaster and to build resilience for the next one.NAB award $1 million in Community Grants each year, with additional $200,000 available in Impact Grants, for projects with big potential. These Impact Grants provide a further $25,000 to recipients to maximise the impact they have on their communities.NAB Foundation Community Grants support community-led projects that relate to:
- Training and planning: Educational workshops, practical and strategic planning that help communities prepare for a natural disaster.
- Community recovery: Programs to enhance community connection, resilience and wellbeing post natural disaster.
- Environment and wildlife: Restoration of damaged vegetation and habitat, and rehabilitation of injured wildlife.
- Equipment and infrastructure: Tools, equipment and infrastructure improvements that help communities withstand natural disasters or recover in their aftermath.
10 March 2025 |
Building Early Learning Places Program |
The Building Early Learning Places program (the program) is a new, single-round grants program designed to increase the number of early childhood education and care (ECEC) places for communities with the greatest immediate need, through capital works.
Eligible services can apply for funding to support capital works projects that will create extra spaces for children aged 0 to 6 for these priority groups. Services must also show they can start building within 12 months of receiving a successful outcome letter. Applicants can submit more than one application, as long as they propose different projects in eligible areas.
The program offers uncapped grant awards, subject to value for money considerations. Grant recipients will be required to contribute a percentage of the total project cost.
31 March 2025 |
Essential Grants |
Our Essential Grants Program provides financial support to community groups across our network area, contributing to positive outcomes for regional communities.
The program supports community-based initiatives that align with the following categories:
- Environment Examples include initiatives that support a circular economy and waste reduction, habitat restoration or community gardens.
- Energy Transition Examples include funding contributions for solar panels or electrifying community buildings.
- Education Examples include the investment in STEM education in schools and community organisations.
- Resilience Examples include the provision of resources that support communities affected by disaster events.
In this financial year of 2024-2025, community groups can apply for a grant for amounts up to $15,000.
09 May 2025 |
Community Native Fish Stocking Program |
The community native fish stocking grants program provides two dollars in funds for every one dollar in funds offered by community groups to stock native fish (Australian Bass, Murray Cod, Golden Perch) into rivers and dams across NSW. The objectives of the program are to support local communities in the stocking of high value native fish to protect and enhance our valuable state-wide recreational fisheries. The program also supports the development of regional aquaculture ventures which produce high quality fish stock for release into public waters to benefit recreational fishers. |
01 July 2026 |
Resilient Homes Program - Central West |
The Resilient Homes Program helps communities recover from disasters. It also makes eligible homes in high-risk areas more resilient to the impacts of future disasters. This program is being delivered by the NSW Reconstruction Authority (RA).
What help can I get?
- Home Buyback – a buyback of the property whereby the homeowner receives a payment for the purchase of the property
- Home Raising – a grant payment of up to $100,000 including GST towards the cost of elevating the liveable areas of the home and associated consequential works
- Home Rebuild – a grant payment of up to $100,000 including GST towards the cost of rebuilding a more resilient home where the property was destroyed or uninhabitable
- Home Relocation – a grant of up to $100,000 including GST to help homeowners relocate their current home to a safer location on their property, or to another property in the region
- Home Retrofit – a grant payment up to $50,000 including GST towards the cost of retrofitting and/or repair work of on the home to incorporate flood resilient design and materials in eligible areas.
Where the estimated costs for the Resilient Measures (i.e. Home Raising, Home Rebuild, Home Relocation and Home Retrofit) is more than the available grant value, RA will match financial contributions provided by the homeowner for eligible activities (co-contribution) up to a maximum of 100% of the available grant value.
The maximum for a single home is:
- Home Raising or Home Rebuild - $100,000 including GST plus $100,000 in co-contribution up to the maximum grant value of $200,000 in total including GST.
- Home Retrofit - $50,000 including GST plus $50,000 in co-contribution up to a maximum grant value of $100,000 in total.
Free Home Assessments are also available for homeowners who may be eligible for Resilient Measures. In the Central West, homeowners within the Home Assessment stream will also eligible for a Home Assessment.