
Council is required by legislation to provide periodic or annual reports on its activities.

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Quarterly Budget Review Statement - March quarter  The Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS) is Council’s way of reporting on the financial performance and position of Council during the financial year, and is used as a tool to recommend changes to Council’s budget for Council approval. The QBRS is presented to Council in November (for the period ending 30 September), February (for the period ending 31 December) and May (for the period ending 31 March). The QBRS also enables the Responsible Accounting Officer to indicate if Council will be in a satisfactory financial position at the end of the financial year.


QBRS for the period ending 31 March 2024 (PDF 909.6KB)

Annual Report 

The Annual Report provides an overview on the achievements over one year in implementing the Delivery Program and the effectiveness of the principal activities undertaken in achieving the objectives in the Community Strategic Plan at which those activities are directed. The annual report also includes a copy of the council’s audited financial reports. The annual report is provided within 5 months of the end of each financial year.

Annual Report 2022-23 Cover 

Annual Report 2022-23 (PDF 14.8MB)

Audited Financial Statements

Each year, individual Local Governments across NSW are required to present a set of audited financial statements to their Council and Community. The financial statements set out the financial performance, financial position and cash flows of Council for the financial year and are also published as part of the Annual Report.

To see previous financial statements click here

 Annual Financial Statements 2021

Annual Financial Statements for the Year Ending 30 June 2023 (PDF 4.7MB)

End of Term Report

The End of Term Report rovides an overview the achievements over four years in implementing the Delivery Program and the effectiveness of the principal activities undertaken in achieving the objectives in the Community Strategic Plan at which those activities are directed. The end of term report is tabled at the last meeting of the outgoing Council.

 End of Term Report 2021 (PDF 3.3MB)
Government Information (Public Access) Annual Report

All public agencies are required to report annually on their obligations under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Council’s report is included within its Annual Report under Other Statutory Annual Reporting.

 Annual Report
Half Yearly Performance Reports Half Yearly Performance Reports are provided to the community as a performance measurement tool for the four year Delivery Program. This reporting is a legislative requirement as part of the Local Government Act 1993 and provides a framework to enable Council to internally monitor and report against performance and provides an overview of the progress and status of Council's performance.  Delivery Program Progress Report Q1 and Q2      
Public Interest Disclosure Annual Report All public agencies are required to report annually on their obligations under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994. Council’s report is included within it's Annual Report under Other Statutory Annual Reporting.  Annual Report
Quarterly Budget Review Statement The Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS) is Council’s way of reporting on the financial performance and position of Council during the financial year, and is used as a tool to recommend changes to Council’s budget for Council approval. The QBRS is presented to Council in November (for the period ending 30 September), February (for the period ending 31 December) and May (for the period ending 31 March). The QBRS also enables the Responsible Accounting Officer to indicate if Council will be in a satisfactory financial position at the end of the financial year. 

Quarterly Budget Review Statement

(PDF 1.2MB) (PDF 1MB)

State of the Environment Report The State of the Environment Report is an integral part of Council’s reporting to the community and provides information on a wide variety of key environmental indicators. The report compares trends for past years and highlights areas where Council has implemented projects or programs to help improve the local environment in line with the Community Strategic Plan. The report is published every four years.  State of the Environment Report 2015/16 (PDF 570.9KB)
DIAP Progress Report Supplementary to the Annual Report 2019/20  Council reports annually to the NSW Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) regarding the deliverables of its Disability Inclusion Plan (DIAP) which was adopted in 2017 in accordance with the requirements of the Disability Inclusion Act 2014. This report provides a progress report on the outcomes of the DIAP for the 2019/20 financial year and is a supplementary inclusion into the Council's Annual Report for this period.  DIAPcover201920 (PDF 951.6KB)
Previous Reports