
Strategic and corporate plans detail Council's priority activities and strategies to achieve these goals.

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   Integrated Planning and Reporting  
Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 The Community Strategic Plan is a 10-year plan of the Community’s aspirations, needs and priorities. The Community Strategic Plan sets strategies for achieving these goals.  It is a State legislative requirement to maintain this plan, which will provide the community with a blueprint for its long-term growth, community development and infrastructure renewal. (PDF 1.5MB)
Delivery Program 2022-2025 and Operational Plan 2024-2025  

Council’s Delivery Program comprises a four-year program detailing the specific strategies that Council will implement to help achieve the community’s priorities and goals as set out in the Community Strategic Plan. The Delivery Program is a statement of commitment to the community from the elected Council for the four years of its term.

Council’s Operational Plan sets out the projects and programs to be undertaken over one financial year. This plan also includes a Statement of Revenue Policy with details of the annual budget, rates model and fees and charges.


 Lachlan Valley Public Art and Nature Based Tourism Strategy

This Strategy seeks to connect the region's various tourism assets and experiences that have a focus on public art and nature-based experiences.  The Strategy incorporates the tourism plans of seven councils within the Lachlan River catchment: Bland Shire, Cabonne Shire, Cowra Shire, Forbes Shire, Lachlan Shire, Parkes Shire and Weddin Shire.  This Strategy can be used by the region to help identify tourism opportunities and linkages, encouraging increased visitation and extended stays and also leads to the effective management of wildlife and protection of natural assets. 

PDF (PDF 10.1MB)
Long Term Financial Plan  This Policy outlines Council's financial information including Council's Statement of Revenue Policy; a statement of ordinary and special rates and charges; proposed external borrowings statement; one-year consolidated operating, cash flow statement and balance sheets.   (PDF 3.3MB)
Statement of Revenue Policy 2024-2025
This Policy outlines Council's financial information including Council's Statement of Revenue Policy; a statement of ordinary and special rates and charges; proposed external borrowings statement; one-year consolidated operating, cash flow statement and balance sheets.
PDF (PDF 909.5KB)
   Other Strategic Plans  
Disability Inclusion Action Plan  The Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) outlines Council’s commitment to access and inclusion in the Forbes Local Government Area and provides a statement of priority focus for 2023-2027. The DIAP is a requirement for councils under the Disability Inclusion Act 2014 and this document amends and builds upon the previously endorsed DIAP in 2017.  Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2023 - 2027 (PDF 1.1MB)
Cemetery Management Plan  Council's Cemetery Management Plan outlines the principles that underpin how Council manages its cemetery in order to comply with legislative requirements and to provide a dignified and responsive cemetery and memorial services to the community. PDF (PDF 454.8KB)
Enterprise Risk Management Plan

Council's Risk Management Plan is designed to articulate processes to enable the senior leadership team to identify, document and manage risk.

PDF (PDF 665.5KB)
Community Engagement Strategy This strategy has been developed to strategically guide the engagement process to ensure Council meets our legislative obligations incorporating community engagement into all levels of Council decision-making.  PDF (PDF 1.1MB)
Energy Action Plan Council's strategic vision and implementation plan to pursue a lower cost and more sustainable energy future.  The plan outlines the key opportunities for Council to reduce its energy consumption and associated costs whilst continuing to meet the needs of the community.  PDF (PDF 1.9MB)
Public Domain Style Guide The purpose of the Public Domain Style Guide is to ensure consistency in design, colours and messaging in our public spaces into the future.  PDF (PDF 9.2MB)
Tourism Plan Great tourism destinations thrive on 'travel worthy' experiences. The Forbes Shire Council Tourism Plan 2020-2030 is set to establish Amazing Forbes as an attractive, unique and sustainable holiday destination.   pdf (PDF 4.1MB)
Youth Strategic Plan The Forbes Youth Strategic Plan sets out a 10-year plan designed with young people at its heart, and the welfare of the Shire's young people our core mission. This Youth Strategic Plan addresses strategies and actions for young people aged between 10 and 25 years who live, work, study or play in the Forbes Shire.  (PDF 2.5MB)
Local Strategic Planning Statement

The Forbes Local Strategic Planning Statement sets out a 20-year land use vision and planning priorities for the future of our area.  The LSPS outlines what we want our planning controls to achieve – now and into the future. Having a clear vision will help us all work together to ensure we achieve the future we want. It sets the objectives of development in Forbes to ensure we maintain our quality of life, heritage and local character, stunning main-street and our rich natural environment.

  (PDF 4.8MB)
Workforce Management Plan The Workforce Plan aims to ensure Council’s workforce has the right skills, at the right time and in the right quantities to ensure sustainable service delivery.

 (PDF 1.9MB)

Asset Management Plans

The Asset Management Plans provide tools to assist Council’s decision making on infrastructure funding needs, the impacts of budget decisions into the future and the resourcing requirements needed to meet agreed levels of service delivery.

Plans: Buildings (PDF 3MB)Drainage (PDF 1.3MB)Open Space (PDF 1.4MB),   Transport (PDF 2MB),  Footpaths

Sewer Assset Management Plan 2021 (PDF 2.4MB)

Water Asset Management Plan 2021 (PDF 2MB)

Resilience Plan 2020-2030
The Resilience Plan, though initiated in drought, speaks to the principles of emergency management.

The plan operates on the fact that droughts, floods, fires and other emergencies are a feature of the Australian landscape and its variable and changing climate, and therefore will always need to be planned for.

  (PDF 5MB)
Community Participation Plan

Our Community Participation Plan (CPP) is designed to make participation in planning clearer for the community. It does this by setting out in one place how and when you can participate in the planning system, our functions and different types of proposals. This CPP also establishes our community participation objectives which we use to guide our approach to community engagement.


  (PDF 552.3KB)
Previous Plans