Community Input and Engagement

Community engagement

Your input is very important to us and we want to know what you think. By being part of the conversation and having your say you can help us create a vibrant, connected, diverse community and shape the future of Forbes.


Your Say 


Your Say Forbes

We want to hear your ideas and feedback on issues that are important to you. By participating, you can help Council make well-informed decisions that achieve the best outcomes for our community. We will consider your feedback and report back to you on how your input contributed to Council decisions.

You can provide feedback to the Shire on topics such as:

  • The future vision for Forbes
  • How you feel about specific plans and projects that the town has in mind
  • Local Planning Policies, Local Planning Scheme or other Planning Strategies.
  • Development approvals 

There are a number of other ways you can get involved in Council decision-making:

  • Like our Facebook page for the latest information here
  • View the latest media releases and news items here
  • Get involved in community events and activities here
  • Contact our friendly Community Relations Officer on 02 6850 2300.

To see our Policies relating to Community Consultation click on the link below:

Community Consultation Policy  

To view Strategic Documents click link below:

Council Strategies 

Forbes Community Strategic Plan Review 

Forbes' Community Strategic Plan Consultation is now open! The Forbes Community Strategic Plan is the 10 year plan that sets the goals and aspirations of the Community. The review of this strategy will be completed in three phases: 

  • Community Survey: 25 November 2024 - 31 January 2025
  • What we heard: This will be an opportunity for Council to clarify any survey results and to present the information back to the community.
  • Collate all Data and create the new Community Strategic Plan!

Phase one is now open, surveys can be completed by: 

  • Completing the Survey online, at Your Say Forbes
  • Downloading a hard copy survey here  (DOCX 100.1KB)or by visiting the Forbes Shire Council Administration Office
  • Downloading an easy read survey here (PDF 678KB) or by visiting the Forbes Shire Council Administration Office 
  • Download the children's activity (PDF 457.6KB) version and return to the Forbes Shire Council Administration Officer
  • By attending one of the Town Hall drop in sessions (dates and times are listed below)
    1. Wednesday 18 December - 1pm-3pm
    2. Monday 6 January - 3pm-5pm 
    3. Tuesday 14 January - 9am-11am
    4. Thursday 30 January - 11am-1pm.
  • By contacting Council's Community and Tourism Team on 02 6850 2300 or 

We want to hear your ideas and feedback on issues that are important to you. By participating, you can help Council make well-informed decisions that achieve the best outcomes for our community.