Classification A (low risk)
Bakery (bread baked only), butcher, canteen/cafeteria, community hall, commercial kitchen/caterer, hotel, mobile food van, restaurant, sandwich shop/salad bar/snack bar- no hot food, supermarket butcher/seafood/bakery, takeaway food outlet
Classification B (medium risk)
Bus coaches depot with vehicle washing and/or workshop, Bakery (wholesale), Butcher (wholesale), hospital, microbrewery, radiator repair, truck washing, shopping complex
Classification C (High risk)
Abattoir, brewery, cannery, drugs manufacturers, aluminium processing, Bitumen and tar manufacturer, laboratory, soft drink manufacture, dairy product processing
Classification S
Human waste tankered to council's facility, such as: septic tank waste, ablution block waste, portable toilet waste; waste from dump points, greywater from ship to shore pump out facilities.