Park or Sporting Facility Booking Application

To book a Forbes Shire Council Sporting Facility or Park*, please read and complete the following application form or download hereand submit to: Forbes Shire Council, PO Box 333 FORBES NSW 2871, or email

*please note that all Parks are classified as “public” and as such exclusive use cannot be given.

Forbes Shire Council is committed to supporting events in our Shire and delivering exceptional customer service. By completing an application form we can ensure we understand the nature of your event and the services and support you may need from Council to successfully host your event.

Contact Councils Events Officer on 02 6850 2300 or email for assistance in completing this form and for information about Councils range of venues and facilities.



Days required
Facilities required:

Please type your signature

Please sign here

Mandatory field(s) marked with *






General Conditions

Council requires user groups to provide Public Liability Insurance Policy by way of a Certificate of Currency and Policy Schedule/Wording (minimum $20,000,000) naming Forbes Shire Council as an interested party at least seven days prior to an event.

User groups/Event organisers are responsible for conducting their own risk assessment of Council’s Sporting Facilities.

Grounds and Facilities

Booking dates and times are to be strictly adhered to. Council must be notified of any updates, changes or cancellations to event or contact details as soon as possible.

User groups should take reasonable steps to check that no physical change to the facility/grounds has occurred since the previous use which may have rendered it unplayable. Any such physical change is to be reported to Council as soon as practicable.

Council requires that if you see turf damage happening from training patterns then you are required to advise Forbes Shire Council ASAP and you are required to move away from that area and train on a different part of the field. Council expects that you respect other user groups that use the field for their competition to ensure that the playing surface is in the best possible condition throughout the season.

User groups are responsible for inspecting all structures such as goal posts, in‐ground sprinklers (e.g. for divots or protrusions) to ensure the safety of the grounds prior to use.

After significant wet weather, Council may close the ground to either training, game day or both.

Upon closure, Urban Services Supervisor (or representative) will liaise with user groups to identify alternatives if available.

If Council does not close the ground, the user group still must inspect the playing surface to determine that the playing surface is fit for use.  Regardless of wet weather, sporting groups should inspect the grounds prior to use to make sure they are safe.

No vehicles are to be driven on any field or non‐defined vehicle areas without written approval from Council.

No parking of vehicles is permitted on any grassed area without written approval from Council.

All marquees, jumping castles and signage erected on grounds and in parks must receive written approval from Council (and must have Public Liability insurance) as the marking of underground services may be required and this will incur additional charges.

If user groups wish to engage external vendors/services such as food vans it is the responsibility of the user group to ensure the vendor has the appropriate license, insurances, risk management plans  and approvals and adheres to the terms and conditions of use for sporting facilities.

Grounds are to be left in a clean and tidy condition after each use. Failure to comply with this clause will result in the user group being invoiced for the ‘actual costs’ of litter control.

Smoking is discouraged within the facility, grandstand or perimeter fence. It is the responsibility of your user group to ensure that all spectators attending abide by this recommendation.

Amenities blocks are to be left in a clean and tidy condition. All taps and lights are to be turned off and doors/gates locked.

Upon use of a canteen the user group must leave the canteen clean and tidy to Council standards ready for the next user group. In the case where the canteen needs to be cleaned by Council’s contract cleaner the user group will be invoiced ‘actual costs’ per clean required.

The use or sale of glass bottles at all grounds is prohibited. It is the responsibility of user groups to ensure that all spectators attending matches abide by this clause.

Prior to the commencement of the season, Council requires copies of licensing arrangement under which alcohol is sold.

User groups are to ensure sporting facilities are locked including amenities, canteens, canteen roller doors, gates etc. after each training, competition and/or event and that all equipment including microphones, scoreboard controls etc. are placed in the appropriate position.

User groups are to ensure the security system is turned on and off correctly. Failure to do so requires a security call out to check out the alarm fault. The user group will be invoiced at the rate in the adopted fees and charges.

Electrical Requirements

It is the responsibility of user groups to have all appliances and electrical cords used on Council grounds tested and tagged in accordance with current Australian Standards and regulatory requirements.

Faults, Damages and Reporting

Any unsafe facilities/grounds should not be used and reported to Council immediately on 6850 2300. Calls are logged using this service, and allocated to staff so the appropriate inspections and work can be carried out to ensure faults are fixed.

All faults within a facility must be reported to Council within 72 hours, so the appropriate inspections and work can be carried out to ensure faults are fixed prior to the next event.

If a user group reports a fault during its event and it turns out to be caused by the user group negligence or misuse, then the user group will be invoiced for the ‘actual costs’ for fixing the fault. For example a typical problem is the overloading of circuits which requires an electrical contractor call out.

The user group hiring facilities/grounds is responsible for all damage caused during their event and will be invoiced the ‘actual costs’ for any repairs required.

Booking Requirements

User groups should notify Council AS SOON AS POSSIBLE regarding the hosting of finals outside the regular season. Council understands that confirmation is often not received until the week before a home final, however user groups should communicate the possibility of finals as soon as reasonably possible, with confirmation to be communicated to Council no later than the Friday of the week prior to the finals being played.

This booking form is required when booking regular training, home games during the regular season and any games outside season including but not limited to; pre-season games, trial games, home finals.  Formal approval is required before any activities are undertaken on Council controlled grounds.

Where no booking form is received from a user group it shall be assumed that the sporting facility is vacant and may be allocated to an alternative user group.

Please note that sporting groups do apply for season allocations, so there may be a case of two or more booking forms received for use of the same facility at the same time. In this instance user groups should attempt to resolve the situation through negotiation with the other user group, in consultation with Forbes Shire Council. In the event that a suitable solution cannot be found through negotiation, Council will determine the allocation of the facility.